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Stay Focused and Eventually Lead Me to the Right Career Path

Essay Instructions:

Discussion Topic 1:

What are your impressions of this movie? Which speakers seem more relatable to your academic journey, how does their journey inspire others? 2) How do you stay motivated to complete your degree? In other words, who or what helps you through the tough and/or good times as you move forward?


Discussion Topic Number 2:

Go to the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) website to read the article, Capital Project Monitoring and Reporting. Once you are done, please respond to the following:

What would you consider to be the two most significant policies or processes to ensure that the accounting is accurate and the project is on track?

Explain your rationale.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Stay Focused and Eventually Lead Me to the Right Career Path
Discussion One
My impression of the movie is that it offers inspiration to individuals in their academic journey. It offers motivation for those who have not found their dream. It also emphasizes that defining a goal is the key to success in education. The speakers that had the most impact on me are Nathaniel J. Williams. and Shukoor Ahmed. These speakers motivate me to make and follow goals during my academic journey. Such goals would help me stay focused and eventually lead me to the right career path. I stay motivated to complete my degree by focusing on the fact that there are many possibilities after my graduation. Completing my degree gives me more options than I would have had otherwise. A college degree can help me get a job at a company that I want to work for, or it can provide me with the opportunity to become an entrepreneur and start my own business.
Discussion Two
One of the most impor...
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