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Essay Instructions:
Please send back on Saturday Answer each question separate 1. Explain what some of the main areas are that make it difficult for us to understand and deal with moral disagreements? 2. Explain why I am sympathetic to Rights Theories. 3. Explain why I am least sympathetic to Utilitarian Theories.
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It is difficult to deal and understand moral disagreements because moral principles are often located in a specific cultural context. Since there are different cultures, morality can be relative depending on the cultural context that one uses. This is what we call moral relativism and this spring from cultural relativism. For example, a Christian and a Muslim can never agree on the question of polygamy where one culture accepts it and the other does not. Aside from varying cultural contexts, there are also unique circumstances where an act can be considered moral or not. Killing in self defense can be justified even if the Ten Commandments say "Though shall not kill." Sometimes a specific act can be considered good in itself but becomes bad in its consequences. Giving alms to the poor is good in itself but in the end it promotes a culture of mendicancy and subservience which is bad.
Rights theories is a good basis of morality because there is a possibility to come up with universal principles where we can based actions that promote the common good. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a good example because all of us are human who have common needs, hopes, dreams, and aspirations for a decent life with freedom. Our common humanity shows us that we all have a right to live and to have a decent life. We all have a right to food, shelter, clothing, and education. Utilitarian theories on the other hand is subject to many loopholes because everybody can justify his actions claiming that he or she is just searching for happiness such as corp...
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