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Questions: 4 questions

Essay Instructions:
Questions Answer these question here - but number one in the scan file is only one question which is number 3 and I have place the questions for number one on the page - that san information is use to answer the question for number one only 1. Read Can The Burden of Cutbacks be shared Equitably on page 348. number 3 question only in the scan information - has been placed on the paper for number one How can Aquapoint ensure that its employees appreciate the leaders' willingness to share the plain of the recent economic downturn? Why is it important for fro employees to witness management's commitment to ethical conduct? 2. Why might an organization choose to pay employees more than the market rate? Why might it choose to pay less? What are the consequences of paying more or less than the market rate? 3. What are the pros and cons of linking incentive pay to individual performance? How can organizations address the negatives? 4. Consider your own current or past job. ( Legal Assistant) Would you be more motivated in response to incentives based on your individual performance, your department's performance, or the organizations overall performance?
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Question 1
How can Aquapoint ensure that its employees appreciate the leaders’ willingness to share the pain of the recent economic downturn?
Since the company had cut the employees’ pay by 10% during the economic slump, Aquapoint should now revert their salaries back to normal. Moreover, the company should extend bonuses to the employees just as it is extending to the executives so as to enable them make up for the 10% of salaries lost during the downturn. This way, the employees will appreciate their leaders’ willingness to share the pain of the recent economic downturn.
Why is it important for employees to witness management’s commitment to ethical conduct?
It is important since it will enable them to imitate their leaders, and also be ethical in their behaviors and conduct which in turn is good for the company’s best interest. Moreover, the employees’ confidence and respect towards the management will improve significantly and this is good for smooth running of the company.
Question 2
Why might an organization choose to pay employees more than the market rate?
The main reason will be to motivate them to continue working for the company and get committed to their jobs. The second reason is to reduce the chances of the employees leaving for another job in a different company. The third reason is to retain the suitable skilled employees since losing them might affect the company and the final reason is to attract top talent and highly skilled workforce who will help the company improve on efficiency and profitability.
Why might it choose to pay less?
It might decide to pay less as a cut back measure so as to increase it savings and reduce expenses when it is going through tough economic times. Another reason is to facilitate growth of the company, especially if it is a small business or start-up. The management might decide to pay less than market rates to enable the company have a stronger financial base that will facilitate business expansion. The company might also decide to pay less because the skills and experience of the employees do not warrant high wages.
What are the consequences of...
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