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Two questions

Essay Instructions:
Answer each questions separation and a page for each one and please answer all parts of the questions and number them one and two but do not put the questions on the page - please answer it correct in collge style - check your grammar before sending it to me - please! 1. Based on your workplace experience, identify a particularly competent and successful executive that you have known or worked for. (Charlene Briggs). In your opinion, did this executive exhibit more management or more leadership behavior and was this preponderance of behavior appropriate to the situation in which the firm found itself. 2. Based on the definitions of management and leadership, is it possible to have leadership behavior in a situation which does not embody significant change?
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Professor Name:
(January, 2013)

Questions 1
Leadership and management must go hand in hand. Yes they are not the same but are linked, and complementary Gabarro says. Separating them is likely to cause more problems than it solves. Manager’s job is to plan, organize and coordinate. The leader’s job is to inspire and motivate. People look to their managers who are their leaders, not just to assign them a task, but to define for them a purpose. Therefore, managers must organize workers, not just to maximize efficiency, but to nurture skills, develop talent and inspire results (Gabarro, 1991).
Charlene Briggs is good in this, she is a role model for the team she leads; she inspires, nurtures and develops the human resource she commands. Yes, good managers do inappropriate things sometimes! They get ruined because they stop listening; they become full of themselves in their decision-making skills; they become blind to important contextual variables; their emotions take control their self-control, and so on. But what worries many is how one preaches one thing and does the other? Ms Briggs is different; she preaches what she is ready to do.
Her character and way of doing things as made her name and the company. For instance, when there is a lot of work to be done and people have to stay late, she always stays late to help them; she takes her tea and lunch on the break room since the organization has a rule that no one eats at their desk; the same goes for her attitude; she is always positive when dealing with issues, gives hear to every suggestion, and encourages new ways of doing things. The team has always watched and adopted her character all the time. Yes, it is true according to Gabarro that if you want to shape your worker’s behavior, start with your own (Gabarro, 1991).
This has been the corner stone for her company. Everyone has adapted her character and behavior. The team has become one of the most innovative, hardworking and dedicated team in providing the finest service available in the market. They advise and guide clients through every aspect of the buying and selling process, as we all understand every industry is becoming more sophisticated and challenging every day, which calls for individuals with long years of experience who are positioned to stay ahead of the game on behalf of their clients. This kind of leadership has been more appropriate in her situation since the team she leads is highly skilled, motivated and capable of working on its own. She is a leader to be watche...
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