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Proposal on Problem to Be Addressed at My Internship Workplace

Essay Instructions:

Please try your best to think about work-related things, you can refer to what I posted, but the last solution teacher said that I was unqualified


Unit 3 Peer Feedback (15 points) You must submit a draft to the class spreadsheet in order to participate in peer review.

Note: I do not expect you have a complete website. This Peer Review session focuses on the written doc only.


You will be reading and providing feedback on ONE of your partner’s submissions and should aim to give feedback to a different partner this time (not the same one as Unit 1/2 if possible). Follow the steps below for this peer review session.


Review the Samples of Unit 3 with my comments ( Canvas>>Modules>>Unit 3).


Make sure you have a given permission to edit on your Google Doc. Copy/paste your link onto the appropriate sheet (again use the tabs at the bottom of the sheet).

Now, contact your peer review group and decide who is reviewing which submission. Remember: you are only giving feedback on ONE submission. Certainly, you can read your other partners’ submissions but you should give feedback on only one submission.

Once you have decided who is reading which submission, review the peer feedback questions/statements on the next page. For this session you will be:

Using the peer feedback as a guide and directly commenting on your partner’s paper. Note: you can make comments about general and/or specific things. General comments such as “overall the writing is very wordy and

overly complicated” or more specific feedback like “your section on the issue does not create a compelling argument I would suggest...” are examples of quality feedback that a writer can apply to their whole proposal.

Peer Review Questions- Each section has a set of questions to help guide your feedback.. While you are reading the Executive Summary, put yourself in the place of the decision maker. Review the material with a critical eye. You do not need to respond to each item in every category. You should use these items as a guide for feedback- like a checklist. These will help you identify areas for feedback for your partner and in your own writing. Do not be afraid to point out weak arguments or flaws in logic or to ask questions.

If you are concerned about your tone when giving feedback, asking questions is always a good way to mitigate harshness. For example: “Do you think your audience will really make a decision based on this information?”; “Do you think this is a topic that is important to them?”; “Where will the money come to achieve this?”; “Do you think they have the funds for this?”.

Format and Genre Expectations

Is the Executive Summary (ES) in a formal business format with the appropriate tone and register?

Does the ES effectively title and use sub-headers to guide the audience?

Does the ES use succinct and concise language and avoids wordiness/repetitiveness and empty meaning phrases such as “as mentioned above” etc?

The content does NOT resemble a thesis driven, academic paper.

Are ideas clearly linked and have a logical progression?

Are visuals purposeful and persuasive or help inform the audience?


Does the Executive Summary begin with some background information that contextualizes the issue, points out a specific issue/problem and directly states the solution?

(Note this should NOT resemble an introduction paragraph to a thesis driven essay)

The Problem

Is this issue or problem clearly explained?

Is the issue’s importance explained in a way that takes into account the audience and their values?

Does the author create a compelling argument about the importance of the issue that would persuade the audience to consider the rest of the proposal?

*This section should be persuasive- remember you want to make your audience care enough about the issue that they are called to action. In order to do this we must understand what they value and present the issue in a way that connects the issue to their values. For example: reputation is as important as is revenue. These both can be used to argue for change. But do not force something like ‘reputation’ when in reality the issue will not have a large effect on the reputation. Like the student example I discussed, a crowded CoHo in no way will affect the number of students who attend UC Davis or UC Davis’ reputation- so this would be a very unpersuasive and weak argument.

The Plan and Personnel

Is the solution proposed reasonable and actionable considering the audience, their position, and the resources they control?

Has the author considered counter arguments (in the problem and solution sections) and has addressed them in the proposal?

Does the solution go beyond the superficial and general and considers specific variables associated with the solution (for example: if you are installing lights on campus weather would be a specific variable)

Does the olution identify key players (for example : UCD is NOT a key player. The Athletic Director at UCD IS a key player)?

Is the timeline clear, thoughtful, and reasonable with (if needed) a contingency plan?

Could there be another solution? Remember you may include more than one solution if appropriate.


Have all costs been considered and are as accurate as possible?

Have monetary amounts been researched and appropriate hyper links provided?

Do costs have clear rationales?- if you are asking a business to purchase something there should be a clear benefit to that business, not just a benefit to you as an employee or member of an organization.

*Costs are better represented in a chart/table rather than embedded in ¶s.


Does the timeline seem reasonable?

Has the author done industry research to ensure accurate times?

Are there variables that have not been accounted for” for example, are there contingencies for shipping delays? Weather delays? Appropriate time for training or implementing a process?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Proposal on Problem to Be Addressed at My Internship Workplace
Poor Communication and Supervision Systems
The primary problem I identified while on my internship at a Chinese organization is poor communication and supervision systems. The issues include rudeness, disorganization, poor task tracking, and unprofessional supervisors. The Chinese company is structured into different departments headed by general managers. The general managers have several supervisors depending on the number of sections in the department, and in ours, we had three supervisors to allocate tasks. The main problem I identified in the organization is that my immediate supervisor, who handled the four of us, was very unprofessional and rude. She would give us tasks past the daytime making us work overtime with no pay. Interestingly, there is no overtime pay and conditions policy in China, especially for interns. Some of us had families and other engagements after work, and we got late with very little sleep. She would yell and rebuke us if we did not complete the assignments on time. It was a very poor learning experience. The general manager seemed to have no say and rarely visited the different stations to find out the working conditions under which the staff was working.
Poor communication and supervision systems are the key problems in the Chinese organization. There is a need for an organization to prevent a toxic environment that allows for rudeness, poor task tracking, and unprofessionalism from their employees. Supervisors take advantage as only one general manager handles several of them, depending on the number of sections in the department. The immediate supervisor handled the four of us and was very unprofessional and rude. Because of the lack of tracking, training, and punishment, she would give us tasks past working hours, making us work overtime with no pay. In an organization, improving the working conditions of the employees is key to improving productivity and employee morale. Janoušková et al. (2022) note that improved working conditions increase productivity through enhanced employee morale and efficiency. Janoušková et al. (2022) further argue that introducing extra work and overtime policies plays a vital role in motivating workers. It is the responsibility of the managers and the executives to make these decisions on employee working conditions. For instance, the top management is assigned tasks to ensure the convenience of every person in the organization. In this case, it is not only among the interns but also for the overall work. The problems in China organizations can only be dealt with through reflection on the organizational rules and regulations. Thus, the committee members' introduction will be the best way to deal with such problems.
Solution, Plan, and Personnel
In this particular situation, top management must focus on giving their employees relevant job descriptions and working tools in the workplace. Moreover, the organization should create a mechanism to address potential problems with employees. The organization should let the staff know about the system and how it works and should not only talk about an uncooperative worker but also be ready to listen. Alternatively, instead of managers getting into meetings with a conflicted attitude, they should try to approach the meetings as a chance to find solutions. One will likely need to engage and confront a troublesome worker at some point. Lehn & Heath (2022) establish that one should initiate such conversations without delay. Consequences for morale in the workplace are dire if this issue is ignored.
The ability to persuade others is crucial in the business world, from writing an email to a coworker to crafting a proposal for the company of trustees. A person with a fantastic personality can effortlessly persuade others and sell their vision. Many powerful speakers are brands in their own right because their remarks are their best-selling point (Lehn & Heath, 2022). Positive manipulation, if used correctly, can be handy in handling employees and increasing productivity. This strategy may be used to persuade clients to buy things or to encourage staff to productivity. Indeed, one will come off as kinder and more approachable if one uses language that shows they understand the other individual.
There are a variety of solutions to help the organization solve the problem: First, the organization needs to consider the circumstances to establish the issue's nature critically; more than one issue may arise from the same event. Additionally, the organization should find each concerning case and analyze its root cause. Moreover, they should think like the people affected by the situation and try to establish what they should do. Consider any options for resolving the issue at hand. Get input from anybody the case may impact, and talk to others who have dealt with ...
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