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Marijuana Reform: A Letter to the Editor

Essay Instructions:

Specific requirements are in the "WP1 - ENG 015" document

To write two LTE "Letters to the Editor"

150-200words per serving


Also write a reflection, 500 words (part 5)

The title is marijuana reform, probably the information has been found, please refer to the file 'WP1 Draft #1 -.pages'

The LTE in this link is an example given by the teacher.


I am going to write LTE to this article on the link below.


This is two LTE examples of cannabis reform.

(The second LTE example is the same as the one I want to write LTE)



There is also a document written by the classmates (only two LTE)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Marijuana reform
LTE #1
To the editor:
I had to reply to a guest opinion on the legalization of marijuana in Pennsylvania by a marijuana advocate. I am William Gallagher, an officer of the Philadelphia Police Department and through my work, I have experienced first-hand effects of marijuana in the city. Although Philadelphia decriminalized possession of up to 30 grams cannabis due to its medical purposes, its negative effects should be carefully considered before its legalization.
I have solved several cases of violence, including domestic violence, and attempted homicide as a result of marijuana. It is great that one of the benefits of legalizing marijuana would be to increase revenue to fund the state budget. What about the security of the people? If possession of 30 grams has caused this damage, what about its legalization? What do we gain by being a wealthy but insecure state? The government should, however, ask itself these questions and know how to maintain security before legalizing cannabis.
LTE #2
To the editor:
Marijuana has proved effective in various medical fields including relieving of the pain of patients with chronic diseases. I am Elizabeth Grey, a scientific researcher and a resident at Pennsylvania Hospital. Before I became a doctor, I was against all drugs and substance abuse until I learned how important marijuana was in the field of medicine. Marijuana contains a substance called cannabinoids which is effective in relieving chronic pain. The cannabinoids are effective against nausea and vomiting during chemotherapy. Marijuana also acts as an anti-depressant to patients who have a mental illness. This is just but a few of its medicinal uses.
Cannabis should be legalized so that more can be produced for scientific research and to continue its effective use in the hospital. However, the public should be educated on its negative effects such as its effects on people with bipolar disorder. Marijuana is not for everyone, but that does not mean it should be prohibited. Why should people with cancer suffer during chemotherapy when there is a solution? Why should people suffer from depression when there is a solution to reduce it? Why should people cry over alcohol addiction when marijuana can help solve this problem?
Why did you do what you did?
The reason why I wrote the first letter against marijuana is to show its adverse effects on security in Pennsylvania. The government might soon legalize marijuana, and I want them to think of the safety of the people first before doing so. This is to ensure their goal is not just to raise revenue through marijuana, but the citizens’ safety should be their priority.
The second letter is directed to people who are against marijuana. They have to know that marijuana is not only for recreational purposes but also its impor...
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