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Gun, Violence and Mental Illness. Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

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Please use attached assignment and pictures for the research question and topics.

Assignment 2b: Essay Outline Assignment

The goal of the outline assignment is to help you create a working structure for your research essay (Assignment 2c). Like a roadmap or the blueprint for a house, the outline needs to include as much practical detail as possible (thesis, topic sentences for each paragraph, specific evidence to support your claims, etc.) in order to clearly lay out the argument you will make in your essay.

1) Look at the sample outline assignment on the library’s APA Assignments and Examples page. Note that it offers a clear thesis statement, each main idea has its own argument to support that thesis, the evidence for each section clearly supports the claim being made, and that all supporting evidence is short, specific and appropriately cited (including page numbers for direct quotations!). Use this example as a template for your own assignment.

2) Consider your own research question, and draft a thesis statement that will address the topic of your research. Your thesis statement will attempt to answer your research question critically, clearly, and succinctly. It must make a scholarly argument that both identifies a specific issue and proposes a critical intervention to address or resolve the concern(s) you identify.

3) Consider the logical steps you will need to take in order to support your argument successfully. Where do you think you should start, and where do you think you need to end up? Once you have a general idea of the shape your essay should take, start organizing and arranging your evidence into logical groups/claims.

4) Identify the main idea for each section, and draft a topic sentence for each one. Think of a paragraph’s topic sentence as a mini-thesis statement: it has to be a complete sentence, make a clear argument or claim, and require evidence from your research to support it— the topic is just smaller in scope, and serves as a supporting argument for your thesis.

5) Reorganize your evidence and revise your claims until you are satisfied that you have a good plan for making a successful critical argument.


The benefit of doing an outline is that you do all the hard work of figuring out what you want to say before you start writing the essay itself. The more time you spend refining your argument and organizing your evidence now, the easier it will be to write Assignment 2c.

Even though the supporting evidence for this assignment can be listed in point form, you are still required to write in complete sentences.

You must use quotation marks for direct quotations and provide appropriate in-text citations using APA formatting for all words/ideas that are not your own.

Avoid organizing your essay around your sources; instead, organize your essay around the main ideas you want to communicate, and bring in your supporting evidence as necessary.

This outline should be three to five pages (not including title and references pages).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student Name
Gun, Violence and Mental Illness
Institutional Affiliation
Assignment 2b: Essay Outline
Gun, Violence and Mental Illness
Introductory statement: The increase in the incidences of mass shootings have caused a focus on mental illness (Van Brunt & Pescara-Kovach, 2018). Discussions in psychiatry and law regarding the issue have not come to a concrete conclusion regarding whether people with a mental health condition are of “sound mind” to acquire guns.
Thesis: This research aims to examine if there is a correlation between mental illness and gun violence.
Summary of main ideas
Main idea #1
Claim: There is no direct relationship between mental illness and gun violence.
* According to Metzl & MacLeish (2015), an assumption exists that psychiatric examination could be utilized to envisage incidences of gun violence. Some states have gone ahead and made it compulsory for psychiatrists to assess the potential of their patients to engage in gun violence. The proponents of these types of laws indicate that they allow law enforcement officials to be in a better position to identify potentially violent individuals.
* History shows that psychiatrists have been inefficient in this area. An examination of psychiatric diagnosis shows that it is largely an observational tool as opposed to an extrapolative one (Metzl & MacLeish, 2015). When it comes to identifying individuals who are likely to commit violent crimes, psychiatrists utilizing clinical judgements are almost at the same level as laypersons at determining which persons will engage in violent crimes and the ones will not.
* Psychiatric diagnosis is not entirely an indicator of violence (Metzl & MacLeish, 2015). Many of the individuals living with a mental illness who match the profile of the mass shooters do not end up committing crimes.
Media reports assuming similarity between severe mental illness and lack of self-control leading to violence are misleading. Metzl & MacLeish (2015) indicates that the more common psychiatric diagnoses like depression and anxiety do not correlate with violence. A majority of psychiatric patients engage in violent crimes. Only about 4% of violence in the country can be ascribed to individuals disguised with mental health illnesses (Tabke & Pfefferbaum, 2016). Legislatures, therefore, are more likely to draw the wrong conclusions from the mass shootings if they request from psychiatrists to predict the future events. Hence, it is essential to acknowledge that mental illness alone cannot be a predictive factor in gun violence. Other factors like domestic violence, substance abuse, suicidality among other factors.
Main idea #2
Claim: Under influence, individuals with mental health condition are vulnerable to committing crimes.
* According to Tabke & Pfefferbaum (2016), individuals living with mental health illnesses are not violent, but some circumstances may urge them to engage in violent crimes. For instance, terrorist groups may promise hefty amounts to psychiatric patients and convince them to commit violent crimes, say mass shooting. Members of a terrorist group will look for mentally vulnerable individuals especially teenagers and adult males and get them to commit crimes. In this case, the mental health patient would not have committed the crime, if the terrorist organization did not entice him/her.
* Certain factors may increase the risk of violence among individuals with mental health problems. Tabke & Pfefferbaum (2016) highlight a person’s history of violence, alcohol and substance use, untreated psychosis and being young and impressionable as some of the factors that make individuals with mental illnesses vulnerable to committing crimes. Metzl & MacLeish (2015) adds th...
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