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The Tempest: Character Parallels and Contrasts

Essay Instructions:

Shakespeare frequently establishes parallels between different sets of characters. These parallels often point out contrasts between the groups. Write an essay in which you discuss the parallels and contrasts between the Caliban-Trinculo-Stephano group and the group of nobles, especially Antonio and Sebastian.

Requirements: At least 5 paragraphs, with a clear introduction and conclusion and at least 3 examples from the text to support your thesis statement.

It is The Tempest from Shakespeare. You need to read the book first and write the essay. However, it is a short book or you can just google the summary of the book.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Tempest: Character Parallels and Contrasts Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation The Tempest: Character Parallels and Contrasts William Shakespeare’s The Tempest repeatedly ascribes to the use of parallelism in both characters and play situations. Additionally, Shakespeare has also used varying and contrasting characterizations and scenes throughout the play. Using a series of parallelism and contrast in characters, Shakespeare uses many features which make the play mirror the world we live in. From jealous, evil, and self-seeking individuals, to sibling rivalry and bitter fall-out, love, greed for power, crime, and compassion, the play is truly a reflection of the world. These features are well exemplified by characters whose roles demonstrate the broader societal interaction of people, through the use of similar character, yet contrasting characters. Conspicuous parallelism and contrast in characters are exemplified in two conspiracies. First, the conspiracy of the Caliban-Trinculo-Stephano group against Prospero, although done in a burlesque manner, is reflected as both a similarity and a contrast in the actions of the nobles. The nobles’ conspiracy is demonstrated by Antonio and Sebastian against Alonzo. In the conspiracy, Stephano hopes to become the king of the Island, whereas Sebastian hopes to dethrone his brother, the king of Naples and become the King. In return for the assistance offered by Antonio, Sebastian would grant him freedom from tribute. The two groups show similarities in their characters, despite being in different ranks. Shakespeare demonstrates power struggles, jealousy and dangerous envy that could easily lead to heinous crimes being committed. While the two groups portray multiple similarities in their characters, various differences are evident. For example, while the plots for both the Caliban-Trinculo-Stephano group and the Antonio-Sebastian pair are exposed, the consequences and suffering inflicted to the two groups are different, bringing out the contrast in the characters. Stephano, and his two aides, Caliban and Trinculo, are put through physical suffering and misery whereas their counterparts, the nobles, are merely subjected to the anguish of their conscience. Notably, the two groups receive their punishment via the same method, i.e., through Prospero and Ariel, and Shakespeare’s use of the word “pinch” for the two groups. This can be seen in the play where Caliban bemoans “I shall be pinch'd to death” while receiving his punishment together with others, thus signifying bodily pain subjected in the punishment (Shakespeare, 1623). The intention to torture Sebastian’s conscience is shown where Prospero exclaims “Thou art pinch'd, for now, Sebastian… Whose inward pinches, therefore, are most strong” (Shakespeare, 1623). The differences in the suffering inflicted on ...
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