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Lord of the Flies Essay

Essay Instructions:
Based on the quote by Oscar Arias Sanchez, \\\" The more freedom we enjoy, the greater respnsibility we bear, toward others as well as ourselves\\\", write a 5 paragrapgh essay explaing how this quote holds true in literature and personal experience. You must have a well develped introduction with a thesis statement, 3 body paragraphs and a conclusion. You must have one example from the Lord of the Flies, one from To Kill a Mockingbird and one from observation. For the literature you must have specific textual support and document paraphrasing and direct quotes.
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Lord of the Flies Essay
Most people do urge to have more freedom than what they have However, they are uncertain of the responsibilities which goes along with such freedom and its consequences According to Oscar Arias Sanchez quote "The more freedom we enjoy, the greater responsibility we bear toward others as well as ourselves". The thesis statement is "Does additional freedom comes along with additional responsibility". It shall emphasis if the quote holds any true in personal experience literature as well. Everybody requires freedom but the fact that it comes along with additional sacrifice / responsibilities then it could seem to be meanness, as the additional responsibilities demean what freedom would have achieved.
According to (Golding, 1999) in "Lord of the Flies" it has discussed on use of freedom. In the story there were boys who were very much enjoyed by the fact that they will join Jack`s tribe which is a society which did not have communal values and did guarantee them total freedom. The tribe was popular due to the self interest and freedom which they were offering; however the readers learn later that the freedom which Jack was offering was illusory. In actual sense, although the boys were believed to provide a lot of freedom, however he was much strict. Golding, 1999 stated that "Jack implements punitive and irrational rules and restricts his boys' behavior far more than Ralph did". This ascertains the additional responsibilities required. The author emphasizes that pure individual freedom is challenging to maintain within a society because it is dynamic and it will always tend towards societal organization.
While the example provided in the story "To Kill a Mocking...
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