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Importance of Writing in the Article You can Learn to Write in General

Essay Instructions:

i will give you an essay i wrote to read first then at 2pm i will send you another essay so you can create a response essay based off the two essays

Include in-text citations whether you're directly quoting or paraphrasing...that includes yourself, so for instance, you would write (Your Last Name 4) if the idea or quote can be found on page 4 of your revised essay.

No Works Cited page necessary for this exam.

Remember that even though this is more of a "reflective" argument that you'll be writing, it is still a thesis-driven like your documented essay, so be sure to craft an explicit thesis (methods and argument) that frames your purpose and answers the prompt from the very beginning.

more info at https://writingstudiesandrhetoric(dot)wordpress(dot)com/2020/04/17/getting-ready-to-take-the-writing-proficiency-exam-in-spring-2020/

Writing Proficiency Exam Rubric

4 (High Pass) 3 (Pass) 2 (Fail) 1 (Fail- 2A)Thesis

The essay takes aninsightful position thatdemonstrates criticalengagement with therequired readings.The essay takes asupported position andconsistently develops itwith references to therequired texts.The essay tends tosummarize or merely toassert that there aredifferences and/orsimilarities among therequired texts.The point of the essay maybe difficult to determine.Evidence Claims and textual references are integratedinto the paragraph inrhetorically compellingways.Claims in the paragraphsare tied to explicittextural references.Claims in the paragraphsare often unclear orunsupported.Claims in the paragraph areunfocused.CitationThe essay demonstratesmastery of a citationsystem (MLA, APA, etc.).Quotations areresponsibly handled andeffectively integratedinto the essay.Quotations arefrequently mishandled(i.e., merely “dropped”into paragraph withoutadequate context orexplanation).The essay may rely entirelyupon quotation, or it mayexclude textual referencesaltogether.Grammar &MechanicsThe essay displays acommand ofgrammatical and stylisticprinciples. The sentencesare well structured andrhetorically effective.The essay displaysoccasional grammaticalerrors, but the majorityof the sentences arecorrect.The essay displays apattern of grammaticalerror in one or twocritical areas (e.g.,sentence boundaries,agreement, punctuation,word choice).The essay displays a patternof grammatical error inseveral critical areas (e.g.,sentence boundaries,agreement, punctuation,word choice).

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October 1, 2022
Comparing Essays
           Writing has always been an insightful experience. Contrary to what most people would think, writing creates a new experience as the author engages in learning, understanding, and conveying new information to an unknown and unpredictable audience. In this article, I would like to focus on the importance of writing as portrayed in two articles, one of which is Elizabeth Wardle’s You can Learn to Write in General. All in all, I believe that writing is a very dynamic and insightful process as it creates a whole new experience on the part of the writer. 
Writing as an Experience
           One of the ideas in Wardle’s article is that writing is always in particular. As Wardle said, “every new situation, audience, and purpose requires writers to learn to do and understand new possibilities and constraints for their writing.” This statement represents her idea that every new piece of article is a different experience from another due to the variations of both internal and external circumstances relative to the act itself. I believe that no two pieces of writing are indeed the same as another due to differences in purpose, approach, and even the external environment that the writer is embedded within during the whole process. For example, in another article I wrote entitled Art from Caves to Cathedrals, I discussed the idea of different authors with varying styles. This is apparent from the kinds of approaches that were used by the different authors based on where they are living. For example, one could see the importance of visual elements and works in Lenik’s Making Pictures in Stone: American Indian Art of the Northeast. This variation is due to his knowledge that his audience would appreciate vivid visual portrayals compared to voluminous words. Nonetheless, this merely suggests that an author’s conte...
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