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Critical Thought Primer on Open City

Essay Instructions:

Read the article the open city and fill out the critical thought primer

Critical Thought Primer

Instructions: Please complete this handout for your selected passage in any of the poems we have read or “Open City”.  For sections with multiple questions, you are only required to complete one of the questions.

Text :

1)      Type out the passage that you will be analyzing here:

2)      Level 1: Understanding

  1. How would you put this passage into your own words (paraphrasing)?
  2. How would you translate this passage into visual form? (create an image)

3)      Level 2: Analysis

  1. What are the most important/ significant ideas or elements of this passage?
  2. What assumptions/ biases underlie or are hidden within this passage?

4)      Level 3: Synthesis

  1. How could this passage and be combined with another passage in the story to understand the author’s intention for the story?

5)      Level 4: Evaluation

  1. What specific conclusions can be drawn about the narrator from this passage?

6)      Level 5: Inductions

  1. What can be extrapolated or extended from this passage that may have a more general or universal value?
  2. How does this passage help show the theme of the story?

7)      Level 6: Adduction

  1. Based on this passage, what proof exists that the narrator feels comfortable with the place they are describing?
  2. What are some logical arguments that they do not?

8)      Level 7: Multiple Perspective-Taking

  1. How would a person from a different ethnic or racial group view this passage?
  2. How would people who differ in age or gender react to this passage?

9)      Level 8: Ethical Reasoning

  1. What does this passage say about the narrator’s ethical values?
  2. What are the moral implications of this passage?

10)  Level 9: Creative Thinking

  1. What might be a metaphor or an analogy for the narrator’s relationship with place/ habitat?
  2. How could this passage be used as an example of our class theme “habitat/ place/ belonging” ?
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Open City
Author’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code and Name
Professor’s Name
Open City
Critical Thought Primer
Instructions: Please complete this handout for your selected passage in any of the poems we have read or “Open City”. For sections with multiple questions, you are only required to complete one of the questions.
Text :
1) Type out the passage that you will be analyzing here:
I will be analyzing Open City.
2) Level 1: Understanding
A. How would you put this passage into your own words (paraphrasing)?
Open City is a story about the encounters of an intern psychiatrist in New York. The healthcare professional worked throughout the day. During the evening after work, the person wanted to engage in other lively things. At first, he liked to watch bird migrations through the window from his apartment. Every time he would see geese swooping across the sky (Cole, 2012). Some of the birds he saw included pigeons, wrens, tanagers, orioles, swifts, and sparrows. When he got bored watching birds, he began taking evening walks. He walked a few miles away from home and would return by subway. That is the time he knew different parts of New York City.
3) Level 2: Analysis
A. What are the most important/ significant ideas or elements of this passage?
The most significant ideas of this passage include healthcare professionals, education, student-professor relationship, friendship, old age, New York City, and ways to spend leisure time. The narrator first came to New York as a student pursuing medicine and returned as a psychiatrist for an internship (Cole, 2012). As such, the passage shows the life of a young doctor who kept a proper relationship with his former professor.
4) Level 3: Synthesis
A. How could this passage and be combined with another passage in the story to understand the author’s intention for the story?
The passage can be combined with another one to comprehend the author’s intention, which primarily focuses on honesty. He narrates his encounters in New York and helps to create a vivid image of the city for those who have never been there. Moreover, the story can be extended to help readers understand friendship and why age does not matter, as long as, two or more individuals have an interest in similar things.
5) Level 4: Evaluation
A. What specific conclusions can be drawn about the narrator from this passage?
In particular, the narrator is friendly, honest, and a good psychiatrist. He repor...
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