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3 pages/≈825 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 10.8


Essay Instructions:

Paper 1: Creative Imitation

For this assignment, you will write a creative imitation of one of the authors we have studied so far. Those writers include William Shakespeare, Edgar Allan Poe, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and Kate Chopin. This exercise is designed to give you greater insight into the practice of literary writing.

In a creative imitation, you will write the fiction or poetry yourself. Although you are free to invent your approach, I would suggest thinking about the assignment in terms of style and theme. One idea is to take a style and adapt it for your own purposes. For example, how would you write a Shakespearean sonnet about sitting in traffic? Another idea is to modernize one of the poems or short stories we have read. For example, how would Kate Chopin write “The Storm” if it was set in New Orleans today? A third idea is to add a scene, a prequel, or a sequel to a story as if the author had written it herself. Another idea is to tell the story from the perspective of another character, such as little Bibi in "The Storm."

Please feel free to innovate in any way you see fit, but make sure your reader knows exactly what your imitation is imitating. A good, creative imitation should always engage with and depart from its original source.

Paper requirements:

Papers must be 3-5 typed pages for fiction,

All work must be double-spaced in 12 point, Times New Roman font.

All late work will be penalized.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The storm
Cate sat in her office, wondering how the weekend would be. Cate was a lawyer in New York City striving to become a partner in her law firm. With the law field being dominated by men, Cate beat all odds to become one of the best lawyers of her time. She looked at her office window and observed the slowly moving traffic. She wondered how she would keep herself busy as she waited for her husband to return home from his business trip. Michael was a loving husband to her and an adorable father to her children.
It was a cold evening, and Christmas was first approaching. Cate was making plans on how she was going to spend the weekend with her family. She pushed the thoughts at the back of her mind and walked back to her desk. She took the files of a case she had won and started typing her report on her computer.
She was busy doing her work when the door to her office burst open.
Claire, her partner, and her dear friend walked into the office and sat on the sofa at the far end.
“Cate, when do you ever rest? Asked Claire
“I do rest on weekends,” replied Cate
“By the way congratulation on winning the Miller case. You really shone today, and everyone in the office is proud of you my dear friend.” Spoke Claire in high pitched voice.
Cate replied in a shy voice that she was only doing her work.
“So what brings you to my office? Not that I do not want you here.” Enquired Cate.
“Nothing much, I just wanted to know at what time you will be leaving the office.” Replied Claire.
Cate told her friend she will be leaving as soon she is done typing her report.
“Well, I don’t see us leaving soon with the snowstorm out there.” Said Claire
With a worried look Cate turned towards the window to witness the snowstorm. She got nervous and wondered if her children are safe. Just as she was about to call her house, she heard a knock on the office door. Cate requested whoever was knocking to come in. When the door opened Cate was met with the face of a person she thought she...
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