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2 pages/≈550 words
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How I Feel Overall about COVID-19 and the Vaccines

Essay Instructions:

JOURNAL: How do you feel overall about COVID-19 and the vaccines?

Journal must be a minimum 2 pages and maximum 3 pages and submitted as a word document. Remember to include your name and date in either the upper right or left corner of the paper. Journal must also have a title in the middle of the 1st page at the top.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
How I feel overall about COVID-19 and the vaccines
In early December 2020, the first Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine was administered in the US nearly a year after the deadly coronavirus was first detected in China CITATION BBC20 \l 1033 (BBC). The better part of the year 2020 saw many companies racing to develop a vaccine for the new virus, which had turned to be a pandemic. Many pharmaceutical companies invested in research and development, and a few months later, they started clinical trials. The US government has strict guidelines on how new pharmaceutical products should be developed and clinical trials conducted. Towards the end of 2020, several pharmaceutical companies were waiting on the FDA to approve their drugs for mass rollout. The government had also placed huge orders for its citizens and embarked on creating awareness on the vaccine to encourage people to get out to be immunized. While the development was noticeably quicker than any other vaccine developed before and with varying efficacy, several vaccines were approved for mass production.
I believe covid 19 is a global pandemic that can only be fought with vaccines. At some time in history, the world was decimated by smallpox and eliminated because of vaccines. Similarly, I believe the covid 19 pandemic, which is likely to affect the world in many years to come, can only be fought with vaccines. It is unlikely that the disease will be eradicated soon, but its adverse effects can be eliminated by using vaccines.
I understand that many people call the pandemic a hoax and have gone to great lengths to discredit the information the government and mainstream media publishes on the pandemic. However, there are several undeniable facts; firstly, the coronavirus had killed millions of people and o...
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