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Response on "The Comanche and the Horse" Video

Essay Instructions:

Write one page of response for each article or video.

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Video and Article responses
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Video and Article responses
Video Response
The video “The Comanche and the Horse” gives the history of the Native Americans and how horses were a significant part of them before European Colonization. The Indians are strong-willed, and after the 15th century, when the horses are brought to America, they use them to fight for their land, protect their families, and hunt to provide food for their families. The video attempts to bring out the culture of the Comanche while displaying one of the most valuable war assets of the Comanche during the colonial period. The narrator refers to the Horse as a “powerful ally” to the Comanche, and in war, the lives of the people were lost and the lives of over a thousand horses.
The Comanches and the other Native Americans commemorate the people who fought for their land and the horses, which gave them the strength in battle. The Comanche woman narrating the incidents in the video also speaks of the connection with the instant Horse (this implies that they view a horse as sacred), and also of it being a vital part of the Comanche community as she states that together, “we were more than we could be apart.” This displays the Horse as a critical part of this community (“Public Broadcasting Service,” 2018).
The Comanche people raided horses from the European colonizers, and the history is recorded on rocks, as the successful raid was an important event for the community. The gorge holds hundreds of memories of happenings, and the ancestors created it to help pass on their background through oral history. The Comanches believed that the sun put energy into the grass, where the Horse, in return, gets it from grass (“Public Broadcasting Service,” 2018). The Comanche ...
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