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High schools & Sex education classes Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Evaluation Criteria:

Presence and quality of a thesis statement

Clear division of the main idea into body paragraphs (3)

Use of specific details for each supporting idea

Proper use of the prompt (the article) in the paper

Presence and quality of an introduction and conclusion

Presence and quality of a counter-argument / refutation paragraph

Overall coherence and unity

Clarity of language and control of grammatical structures, spelling, and punctuation


In the article "Support Abstinence Education," the author discusses the belief that high schools should teach only the idea of abstinence in their sex education classes. Read the article and decide if you are in favor of this idea or against it. Support your position with arguments and examples from the article, as well as from your own knowledge, observations, and experiences. Be sure to include a counter-argument /refutation paragraph in your essay that follows the structure we have been studying in class.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

High Schools Should Teach Only the Idea of Abstinence in their Sex Education Classes
According to the national campaign to prevent teen and unplanned pregnancy, sexual activity, births, and abortions among teenagers dropped. For instance, birth rates among young teenagers have declined by 45%, and the birthrates among older teenagers by 27%. According to the research carried out by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention showed that the number of teenagers actively indulging in sexual activities declined from 54 to 46 percent. Moreover, the study showed that most teenagers attributed their abstinence decisions to abstinence education. Furthermore, a national longitudinal study of adolescent health has proven that unplanned pregnancies can be mitigated by 40% if girls take pledges to abstain until marriage. Abstinence-only education will shape society's morals, prevent pervertedness, and lower teenage pregnancies and STIs. Therefore high schools must teach abstinence as the only approach in dealing with early teenage pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.
Abstinence refers to avoiding sexual activities until marriage. The primary goal of abstinence education is to delay teenage sexual activity. Although there have been questions about the effectiveness of abstinence education, positive trends can be attributed to this type of education. In the article titled 'Support Abstinence Education, ' Janice Shaw suggests that teachers and community leaders should promote abstinence education instead of safe sex messages that lead teenagers to indulge in more sexual activities. Society plays a significant role in shaping the lifestyles of teenagers. For instance, parents have control over digital information consumed by teenagers. The influence of pornography could impact negatively on the effectiveness of abstinence education among teenagers. Moreover, society should portray good morals that can be emulated by teenagers. Perverted behaviors among adults would hinder the success of abstinence education among teenagers. Therefore, high schools should teach only the idea of abstinence in their sex education classes.
I choose to argue that empl...
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