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Internship Experience: Emergency Shelter

Essay Instructions:

Please write a brief essay, no more than 500 words about Michelle’s internship experience: The skills she learned and experience while working as an intern at the Emergency Shelter. Pretend that you’re Michelle and use “I” in your writing. 

Skill and experiences she learned: 

- Interact with diverse group of people from African American, Mexican and Native American. Interact with different kids from socialize and non-socialize. 

- She gained knowledge in helping the parents searching for their house and jobs. (some sources (like where to apply for low income housing, where to reach for help in need of benefits (food stamp ) for the resident families) that she didn’t know until she helped them out and found out) 

- She gained patience from working with the kids. 

- She learned listening skill: approach people telling about their situation: what they need to look for example, jobs or housing…or their situation in order for her to help them. 

- She pays more attention to the kids behaviors as well as adults in order to understand them better after a few incidents (see below). Learn more in observant.

- You could writer more about other skills and experience from reading the below: Prompt “write about the skills you learned, or some other experience that expanded your horizons.”

*** Please include the experiences below with your own creative writing in the essay. If it goes over 500 words, please remove the unnecessary information. Thx. 

*** Please use simple words and phrases. Do not to use too grammatically complicated sentences. This essay is for an English as a Second Language student. Thank you!

**If you’re confused with the instruction, please contact me ASAP. Thx. 

***Michelle was an intern student at the Emergency Shelter where: “Emergency Shelter provides a full spectrum of services to hundreds of people for whom overcoming poverty, hunger, and homelessness is a daily struggle. Our programs address the needs of the whole family, including interim supportive housing, childcare, life skills classes, transitional housing and supportive services for families in permanent housing.”

***Emergency Shelter also offers numerous services to the residents: “offering numerous services that address their needs for food, shelter, clothing, education, and employment.”

***Michelle was placed in the homework program where she helps the children with their homework in the evening time. 

***Michelle also placed in the computer lab hour every two morning where she helped the parents with their jobs searching and housing search. She also helped them to build their resumes and submitted online when they applied for an online jobs. 

***Sometime she was placed in the daycare to watch the toddlers of four years old of age and under. Where she learned kids are not easily to take care as she thought. One time she met an out of control boy he was around four years old. He didn’t listen and tried to claim on the table and ran around. Tried to bid other kids. She couldn’t handle him, so she called her supervisor and she took him out. Her supervisor also informed her that the kid bid her when she took her out. It was a surprised experience for her since she never thought it would happen like that and everything was new to her especially in the daycare. She loves little kids and she thought it would be fun to interact with them but some kids were out of control so it was a sock to her. Even thought it happened like that, it was still a learning experience for her. She will do more research to learn how to deal with those age kids. 

***During homework hours, she met different types of kids, some are active and some are not. Some were willing to do their homework without complaining. Some kids, didn’t like homework and had no patience with their homework problem. If they couldn’t solve the math problem, they tend to give up easily. Michelle had to be patient with them to encourage them to do it. She gained experience in this by gaining her patience. 

***She also met an autistic kid who doesn’t interact with people much. Mostly he does things himself and even when Michelle asked him something. He ignored her. Not just her, but he ignoreed other coworkers too. Day by day, she could tell that he interacts more with other kids. She tried to tell him to answer when she asked and he did answer her. Example she asked him “Do you have homework today” instead of just looking at her, that time he answer her “Yes”. When he left the Shelter, he seem more active compare to the first time when she met him. 

***One time she noticed one of the 6th grade kids. He lost weight she could tell. She told him that he look like he lost weight and advised him to eat more. After couple days, she heard that he was in the hospital. She realized he was depressed. She wishes she could engage with him more but it was too late. After being hospitalized, he moved out (they were only allow to stay in the shelter for 3months after that if they couldn’t find a place of their own, they have to move to another shelter of their own.

***One time, Michelle and her coworkers did a “coach drive”: they displaced and passed out the donated jackets, sweater to the residents: parents and children. It was a fun and warm experience for her, because she could see the happiness in the residents’ eyes when they went through those jackets to search for their favorite ones. It was her first time doing those events. It was a great experience. 

***Example of the essay: “….I was able to get some great experience...and confirm my confidence in pursuing a career in this field...My experience has been so pleasant that I am going to continue volunteering over the summer. What I like most about the internship is that it provides many services from Anger Management/Domestic Violence, Parenting, Recovery, Housing Assistance, Food giveaways, and Veteran Assistance just to name a few...a broad spectrum of services that all have great value. The real life situations that individuals endure on a daily basis and the face-to-face interactions are what I really value about this internship... I learned how listening, compassion, empathy, and patience all have a major impact on my effectiveness...I grew in my desire for social justice....This has been an emotional and intellectual learning experience for me...and needless to say working with my field instructor has been great... “

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Internship Experience: Emergency Shelter
My internship at the Emergency Shelter gave me more insight about working with families from disadvantaged backgrounds. The emergency Shelter program sought to improve the lives of families through supportive classes, housing and improving chances for job prospects. Working with people from diverse backgrounds allowed me to understand the importance of intercultural sensitivity, with participants from African Americans, Mexicans and Native American backgrounds.
I was also tasked to work with parents to help them search for houses and jobs. This allowed me to rely on active listening and open communication to understand what the parents desired. Since the participants were low income earners, it was necessary to emphasize with their struggles, and I was patient to help them in any way I could. There were also parents who needed to understand how to apply for food stamps, and this was a humbling experience for me, as I now understand how other people struggle to put food on their tables.
While working with the parents, the issue of goal setting came up numerous times. I now focus on helping clients to set goals, as they change their perspectives and mindsets. As I worked together with parents, they focused more on goal setting and those with a better self-image were more likely ...
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