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International security: Globalization and Cyber Security

Essay Instructions:

Was not really sure which subject area to select from the choices above, but this essay is on International Security I hope the following info will be useful:

Here is the actual question:

(The two issues I chose for the essay are Globalization and Cyber Security).

Using primarily course readings, personal notes, slides, and other IS course material, answer the following question in 6-7 pages. Use 1-inch margins, 12-point Times New Roman font, and number the pages. Include concise format endnotes AND a bibliography which are not included in the page count. 

Reflecting on the issues discussed in the IS course, choose two you feel pose significant challenges to international security. (I chose Globalization and Cyber Security). In your estimation, do these challenges inevitably lead to conflict or is cooperation possible? Draw upon concepts from this course to explain how you came to this conclusion and suggest how the United States should respond to these challenges. 

I have attached Course Content, The Question and the Course required readings. I have also attached an example of End-notes and Bibliography

Essay Sample Content Preview:

International security: Globalization and Cyber Security
Since the advent of the internet, the world has become more interconnected and the phenomenon of globalization has resulted in increase interaction. Despite the positive impact of globalization on promoting peace and spreading political freedom, there are challenges since the threat of cyber warfare and has taken a global dimension. Technology allows dispersion of information better than before, and the transnational threats from proliferation of weapons that can be trafficked to cyber warfare that can be waged with the click of a button. In the information age, cyber defense is crucial to maintaining the cyber infrastructure, whereby attacks can disable the security seemed placing the U.S. in a more vulnerable position. cyber attacks on private businesses has garnered interest in the media, but the compromise on national security presents a bigger challenge that has ramifications on the ability of the government to protect the country form external attacks.
Challenges of Globalization and Cyber Security to international security
Cyber war will gain more prominence in the coming decades, since the nation–states are increasing using cyber warriors to launch attacks on other countries. Cyber attacks that affect national security focus on disrupting the cyber networks, banking system, rail transportation to electric grids to disrupt services and cause damage. For instance, in 2009, the Israeli conducted an attacked on Syria by first disabling the radar system, by disabling the computer system, meaning that the Syrians did not detect there had been a breach on their air defense radar system. To further highlight the challenges posted by compromised cyber security systems are instances where the systems are disabled to the extent that countries cannot access internet information, and Russia has resulted to this tactic in Georgia its former Soviet Union republic with the aim of destabilizing the government before launching attacks on Georgia’s breakaway regions.
The information infrastructure and telecommunication network in the U.S is critical to maintaining national security, and it is used by the government, organizations and the citizens. It is worrisome that malicious elements have the ability to openly attack network systems and breach security. The interconnectivity off the world through computer networks has a downside, since cyber terrorists can coordinate attacks on high value targets in preparation for further attacks on network systems. The challenge with improving cyber security is that often there are vulnerabilities that may not be detected in time. In cases where there is intelligence point to state actors being the source of cyber attacks, any sort of data breach may already have provided critical data.
The nation- state has historically exercised more power in international relations, but the changing dynamics with more transnational and non state actors highlights the changes for the state to maintain national security. In any case, the U.S. now integrates soft power especially using diplomacy to reduce security threats unlike before where hard power that focuses on military might and economic means. the security concerns emanating from the non state actors show that the globalization tools empowers these actors including the smugglers, criminal gangs and drug cartels. Global connectivity and the new technologies have strained borders, but this has also been associated with the challenge of widespread insecurity across the cyberspace realms, proliferation of arms and with criminal gangs being interlinked while challenging the legitimacy of state borders and the social stability of countries.
The emerging changes in the global environment including the reliance on internet communication have influenced the global governance, with many actors now involved more than ever before. Additionally, non state actors pose security threats as they can exploit vulnerability given the scale of interconnectivity throughout the world. This poses a challenge to policy makers and security experts, since there is convergence of criminal and terrorist elements. Failure to recognize these challenges underestimates the scale of vulnerability related to threats posed by cyber warfare, while inadequate planning fails to deal with breaches to the security systems. transnational integration has had unintended negative effects where there is deviant globalization associated with cross border trade and exchange in dirty money, human trafficking illicit and counterfeit goods.
Globalization has also presented challenges to national security since the terrorists are increasingly relying on illicit networks and network activities to expand their operations. Additionally, criminal organizations especially in the global drug trade rely on terrorist tactics to intimidate people in diverse countries. In other words, the convergence of criminal and terrorist activities on an international scale challenges the security initiatives and law enforcement efforts. For instance, Hezbollah Shiite Muslim a terrorist organization has expanded its operations through linking the Lebanese in the diaspora who offer financial support in the different continents. Even though, Iranian support has been identified as one of the factors that have resulted in the continued activities of the group, individuals conducting legal and illegal uses have given their support to the organization making it harder to track down all the financiers.
Cyber hackers only need to identify cyber vulnerabilities for them to exploit them and launch cyber attacks against intended targets. The ease with which information flows means that there is a need for extra vigilance to improve cyber security. Even though, the U.S critical infrastructure is well protected, there are vulnerabilities to some poorly protected networks. What is more worrisome is the risk that hackers can gain information from classified networks gaining access to sensitive information. Additionally, the decentralization of terrorist groups in the Middle East region following the Arab Spring will probably make it harder to monitor the activities of the fragmented groups.
Cooperation in the face of cyber threats and challenges associated with globalization
Cyber warfare in the era of globalization might worsen relations for countries with divergent national interests. However, it is unlikely that countries would be in conflict solely because of cyber warfare. On one hand, the security experts understand the implications of cyber threats, but cyber warfare would increase hostility when critical infrastructure is attacked. There is likely to be increased cooperation among allies, and this is likely to improve the security situation as countries invest more to improve their cyber security. However, countries first need to improve their offensive capabilities to thwart security breaches to critical infrastructure. Supporters of cooperation argue that cyberspace is like a public good, but there will be common dependencies where the interest of the powerful nations will likely entrench the rivalry .
There are various dimensions of globalization, where there are more porous borders and interdependence, but there is also competition among sates to maintain their geostrategic interests . Typically, governments have been concerned...
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