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My Dream Job

Essay Instructions:

Hi, Could you please write a personal essay on my dream job which is in The Scottish police force. I have lots of family members in the police force for example my 2 cousins and also one of my uncles who have inspired me and showed me things about the police force and what the job is like. I also go to Police Scotland Youth Volunteers and Recruitment to further train me and give me a further idea for when I am old enough to join the force.

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Dream Job
Perhaps one of the most beautiful things in life is to life ones dream life by getting a dream job. Every child while growing up, always has dreams of being someone in future. They always have a number of careers or professions that they really admire, and often settle on one of them to pursue. To this end therefore, these become imprinted and embedded in their minds as they grow up. In most cases, these imprints on their dream jobs often arise out of the people they admire while they grow up. These are those individuals within the child’s circle or immediate environment during childhood. I believe this has been the most important influence on my life too, as I grew up. My dream job has always been to become a police officer in the Scottish Police Force.
The allure of this job has always been as a result of the influence from my family. It seems like my family was meant to serve the people through the police force. This is because so many of my family members serve in the police. Two of my cousins are members of the police force, while I have several other distant cousins who are also right there serving the nation. One of my uncles also serves as a policeman, and he is the one person who has really taught me a lot of things about being a policeman. Through the knowledge he has been sharing with me over time, I have become so inspired to be one too. He is actually my role model and the person responsible for my ambition to be a policeman.
He made me know so much about being a policeman. For example, the nature of the job. One is supposed to embrace and exercise an extraordinary level of discipline to succeed in the job. As a policeman, much of what one does on daily basis is to take and follow orders. Ranks should always be respected at any time, and as long as one is higher than the other in rank, respect is paramount whichever the age. There will always be those interesting scenarios whereby a very young individual occupies a higher rank than an older officer, and gives orders. Such situations still don’t matter, as the paramount rule in the forces is obeying orders.
My uncle also taught me that the main reason for this is that the life of a policeman is always in the hands of another policeman. The difference between life and death in this case, is just an order away, or a delayed order away. The life of a policeman is often filled with dangers at each turn, each day. They therefore cover each other in whichever way possible. By extension too, the lives of innocent citizens is also a disobeyed order away. This therefore underlines the importance placed upon following or obeying orders as a policeman. As...
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