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Reading activates “I HEAR YOU” REACTION Language Essay

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TASK 1: Under Assignment you can find 'VIDEO QUIZ' watch the video ‘I HEAR YOU' and react to the video(above 100 words) only to watch the video please don't finish the quiz. and return it in a separate document NO CITATION NEEDED JUST YOUR OWN WORDS(I have attach a screenshot of what the video should look like please don't react to a different video)

Example reactions(by my classmate): After watching this week's video, I see the importance of improving listening skills because it will create a good vibe of communication. At first, Debby asked Aisha to go to see a movie, but Aisha showed that she is struggling with the coursework. Debby showed her great listening skills by not only listen carefully but also notice Aisha's nonverbal communication, so she felt Aisha's negative emotion. Through her actively listening, she showed her empathy and her willingness to help to straighten Aisha out and ease out her anxiety. With these listening skills, Debby created a relaxed conversation instead of a downcast conversation, and she could also promote their relationship.


TASK 2: Finish the Critical Thinking Prompt from 7.1-7.6 including the last Summary part (there are total of 11 Critical Thinking Prompts need to be complete, FOR SOME CRITICAL THINKING QUESTION YOU CANT CHECK THE NEXT QUESTION WITHOUT SUBMITTING IT, FOR THOSE QUESTION YOU CAN CHECK THE PICTURE I UPLOADED. i will attach pictures so you can find them all) NO CITATION NEEDED JUST YOUR OWN WORDS. (!!!please return the document with the Critical Thinking Prompt title first and then the answer please!!!)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

[date]In the video, it shows how the listening skill is properly utilized. Debby's listening skill manifests in she has paid closer attention to Aisha. Debby could have just gone on with her plans if Aisha can't go. Instead, she notices Aisha's dilemma through the latter's voice and actions. Debby addresses the situation by listening to her intently. Listening skill is not just b...
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