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Christianity and the Teachings of the Gospel

Essay Instructions:

please answer the following questions simple citation is good, don't go crazy on citations. you can google some of the questions and for #5 please make something up or write whatever you think about Christianity. please answer them as a mini essay.

1. What are the basic teachings of the Gospels? What basic strategies do Christians use to interpret them?

Or… build your own question on the Christian scriptures

2. Christianity is currently the largest religion across the globe, if you include all the different branches. Why has it been so successful?

Or… build your own question on the growth of Christianity over its history

3. Christianity is diverse and has seen internal conflicts and schisms throughout its history. What forces (social, political, theological, etc.) drove those splits?

Or…build your own question on the divisions within Christianity

4. How should Christianity relate to power? Should it be on the side of rulers and the law? Or should it challenge authorities in the name of justice?

Or… build your own question on the social or political dimensions of Christianity

5. What was the single most interesting topic (can be an image, a concept, a person, an era, etc.) in the course, and why?

Or… build your own question on what you think was the most important thing you learned about Christianity this term.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Question 1
The basic teachings of the Gospel are justice, morality, and service to others. These come from believing in Christ because he provides the foundation for attaining justice for all, moral society, and dedication to serving others. Jesus in Luke 11:42 pointed out the Pharisees for loving tithe and neglecting justice and the love of God. This means that the Pharisees were not spreading the morality that Jesus was advocating for. Service for others is evident where he washes his disciples' legs to show that he came to serve and not to be served (John 13:1-7). In the same way, leaders should serve their people.
Christians base the interpretation of the teachings of the Gospel through the life of Jesus. He followed every teaching he taught while on earth. Christians, therefore, strive to follow the example of Jesus, who lived hi talk.
Question 2
Christianity is the largest religion because of the influence of colonialists during the colonial era. The colonialists imposed Christianity on their colonies, forcing them to abandon their initial faiths. This is clear in Africa, where most of their colonizers were Britain, French, Portuguese, Spain, and Italy (McGrath, 2016). These countries are Christian; hence they carried it with them to their colonies spreading Christianity more.
Christian missionaries also helped to spread Christianity by aiding the needy in society. Most of these missionaries went to African countries and America when they were poor, and most people needed help. Through missionary work, most people adopted Christianity, making the religion spread (McLaren, 2017). The trend continued, and to date, Chri...
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