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Case analysis Literature & Language Essay Research

Essay Instructions:

The fifth Individual Assignment is to write up an essay for Case 4 (pp 662 - 672).

For Case 4 (pp 662 - 672), you should read the directions below and write up an essay.

Your essay should be 2 pages at least to 4 pages to the maximum based on *Guidelines for Individual Assignments and Case Analysis.

*Reading material: Case 4.pdf
1. Read and study Case 4 carefully.
2. Answer the following question.

- Question: What bargaining strategy should Fehr Adopt?
On your essay, you should write up all answers to all these questions together with your logical thought and argument

Putting a simple answer (ex., Fehr should adopt "A" strategy. That is it.) to these questions will not give you full credit or score.
You have to elaborate your thoughts coupled with Who, What, When, How, Why, etc. on the basis of information you earn from Case 4 as well as what you have learned from Chapter 13.


*Guidelines for Individual Assignments and Case Analysis.

Follow the guideline for all your assignments and report as below, please.

Do Not put a title, date, course name, my name, your name, ID, major, and department.

Plagiarism is not allowed and will give you a Zero (0) point.

Other requirements

1) Font type: Times New Roman

2) Font size: 12

3) Margins: Moderate (Top: 1", Bottom: 1", Left: 0.75", Right: 0.75")

4) Paragraph: Left alignment

5) Single space: On the WORD tool bar, remove “space before/after paragraph.”

For Individual Assignment, you should write More than 3 sentences, which means at least 4 sentences, on the 2nd page.

It does not apply to the case you write up more than 2 pages which means 3 or 4 pages.

If you do not follow this guideline, you will lose 12 out of 25 points for your Individual Assignment, while 5 out of 15 points for your Report of Case Analysis.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Case Analysis
Institutional Affiliation:
Case Analysis
Fehr had to make a logical decision to save the union he headed, Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA). This major union's life depended on an effective bargaining strategy during a joint meeting with Major League Baseball (MLB), comprising thirty club members. The best method to become adapted by Fehr is the integrative bargaining strategy. Through this approach, both the owners and the players' plight get considered when coming up with the solution; hence it is a win-win situation. The history of Baseball in the USA depicts mistrust between the club owners and the unions that advocate for the players' rights. For instance, significant associations in the past flopped due to bargaining approaches that focused on one party gaining while the other completely loses at the bargaining table. The unions that collapsed included; The brotherhood of professional players in 1885, Players Protective Association in 1900, The Baseball Players Fraternity in 1912, and the Professional Ballplayers in 1924. However, one common factor for the unions' failure is conflicting interests and financial backing. Among the players union's historical demand is the abolition of illegal restraint of trade that violated the Sherman antitrust act and the reserve clause, which prevented selected team members from changing clubs at their convenience.
In an attempt to bring order between the Baseball players Union and the owners for the period 1998-2002, there was the Curt Flood Act and Contraction formulation. Hence, from the Act, the players could file an antitrust suit against the owners. Since the Act was set to expire in December 2006, MLBPA's Fehr sought to meet the Baseball players on a one on one basis to find a common ground arbitration strategy for the set joint meeting. Among the items Fehr will discuss with the players include; the use of steroids, contraction, the revenue sharing formula, the salary levels for players, strike risks, salary arbitration and free agency, and the media and public perception of the Baseball industr...
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