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Beijing Olympics And Arirang Mass Games Research

Essay Instructions:

In your response paper, identify an important concept, theory, or insight about globalization from Steger Chap. 1 and discuss it in relation to the assigned readings by Brownell "Beijing Olympics" and Frank "Arirang Mass Games." (375-400 words, approximately three paragraphs)
Your response paper prepares you for recitation, where you will have a chance to develop your ideas about the readings in the course.
*The response paper is worth 5 pts. and will be graded based on the following rubric:
Response shows good understanding of at least one concept, theory, or insight from Steger Chap. 1 and applies it appropriately to both assigned readings (3 pts.)
Discussion is accurate and supported with appropriate examples (2 pts.)

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Beijing Olympics and Araring Mass Games
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Beijing Olympics and Araring Mass Games
Globalization is used to describe a situation where organizations expand their operations to an international scale this, therefore, renders borders and boundaries irrelevant (Steger, 2010). The rate at which this interconnections happen in the world today boost world trade relations and general advancement in technology and infrastructure. The concepts borrowed from the already developed countries aid the developing countries in the invention and implementation of this advancements. The world, therefore, becomes a global village with ideas spreading across the world as if it were just a small village. Various factors, however, affect how globalization happens in the world. For some continents, some ideas shared by others may not work effectively for them due to barriers that keep them from accepting globalization. According to Steger, globalization has four main characteristics:-
Globalization is characterized by the development and an increase in social networks and activities that remove all the barriers that exist (Steger, 2010). Globalization improves bilateral relations between countries this is clearly depicted in the analysis made by Frank on the structure of Arirang games to indicate the attempt to socially unite China and Korea. According to Frank, the Arirang of Friendship, introduced in 2008 to portrayed China’s friendship to Korea (Frank, 2013). The impact of this act has seen information slowly flowing from China to North Korea and influencing their ideologies. The trade relations between the two countries has also improved and Chinese goods are now flooding the Korean market.
Globalization results in the expansion and stretching of social activities and interdependencies to accommodate other nations (Steger, 2012). Initially, the vast ...
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