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Advertisement: Lutz’s Ideas About The Language Of Advertising

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Advertisement: Lutz’s Ideas About The Language Of Advertising

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Advertising grabs the attention of consumers, making them hold to it and also obligate them to continue paying attention as well purchase the products that are highly promoted. Marketers keenly plan and pragmatically execute advertisements with a target audience. Moreover, the language of every advertisement caters for particular desires and demands of the intended audience. Commercials appeal to the customers’ senses, desires and needs of contentment, love, sex, and recognition. Moreover, advertising language also targets the consumers' anxieties and insecurities. Therefore, by learning how advertising works, customers will resist it. Two authors, Charles A. O'Neil and William Lutz present arguments in support of their opinions on the subject. Lutz expresses that the downside of advertising is blooming and thriving. On the other hand, O'Neil specified a case of marketing that considered it a public-centered problem; a problem that consumers identify and love. This paper uses Lutz’s ideas about the language of advertising, to agree with O’Neil’s standpoint that we only need to learn how advertising works to resist it.
In his article With These Words, I Can Sell You Anything, Lutz analyses the well-known advertising technique of doublespeak, especially the usage of what he terms as "weasel words" (Lutz, n.d). Marketers use "weasel words" that seem to be asserting a claim when whatsoever they are not making any claim by playing around these regulations or laws (Lutz, n.d). They seem to claim one thing when actually they state the contrary or nothing whatsoever. Some popular types if weasel words include "improved," "new," "help," "quick," “works” and many others that easily addle the buyer from what the adverts are actually implying by playing on their sensations. Therefore, customers just need to know how weasel words are more like a lie and therefore they should resist advertising.
In O'Neil’s argument defends the world of marketing and puts the role of exploring the advertisement world in the hands of the buyers. However, he acknowledges that marketing may be cryptic and it is an entity people normally may not like, but then again endure it. In O'Neil's standpoint, customers do not understand why and how product promotion operates. The advertising language is just a sales pitch modified with a purpose. Moreover, the techniques used are crafted to target emotional needs of the human mind. O'Neil cites the illustrations of repetition, sex, as well as celebrities engaged in advertising as confirmed tactics for selling items (O’Neil, n.d). By learning how advertising works through the use repetition and sex scenes is only a way to entice the consumer. Customers would easily resist it. Based on his arguments, customers should resist advertisements it is a mirror of the society, created by individuals in the society, and the community is not perfect, there it show how much our society is gullible. After learning how it works it is a personal decision to make, "to sort out content form hype, product values from emotions, and salesmanship from propaganda” (O’Neil, n.d). Based on this quote, customers should resist advertising because it maybe mere hype, or propaganda because the advertiser want to make money.
Today, advertising practices have become persuasive in connection with culture. Each day, consumers are shelled by adverts on billboards, TV commercials, adverts on the newspapers, commuter buses, website pop-ups, and other promotional messages. Ads are everywhere on signs and images always surrounding customers. When customers learn the impressions created by advertisements to play with their minds they will know how it sha...
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