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Monkeypox Virus: The New Old Outbreak?

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Format: 5-6 pages long (max 1800 words); double-spaced; 1-inch margins; 12 pt Times. Your paper can refer to any assigned course content (required/recommended readings (e.g., papers, textbook), references provided on slides) or additional references you find on your own. Please do not reference lecture slides. We require a reference list and in-text citations in Vancouver style (see more at http://advice(dot)writing(dot)utoronto(dot)ca/using- sources/documentation/).

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Monkeypox Virus: The New Old Outbreak?
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Monkeypox Virus: The New Old Outbreak?
In recent years, the emergence of zoonotic diseases has become a global concern, with the COVID-19 pandemic serving as a stark reminder of the impact of such diseases. Another such disease that has entered the international stage is the monkeypox virus (MPXV), which was once limited to its endemic regions of west and central Africa (1). However, MPXV has recently been identified in non-endemic regions, raising concerns over its global spread. A key challenge associated with the control of MPXV is the lack of sufficient research on the virus and the low levels of public knowledge on the disease. This essay will explore the challenges associated with MPXV and the lessons that could be applied to the COVID-19 control efforts.
Information Deficit on Monkeypox Virus
The recent emergence of the monkeypox virus (MPXV) in non-endemic regions has become a cause for global concern. While the virus is primarily limited to West and Central Africa, it has recently been identified in over 90 countries worldwide (2). Given the limited understanding of MPXV outside of its endemic regions, there is a critical need for research to better understand the virus and develop effective diagnostic tests and treatments. First, it is essential to identify the reservoirs for MPXV in non-endemic regions. In endemic regions, the virus is primarily spread through contact with small rodents, but no animal reservoirs for MPXV have yet been identified in non-endemic regions (3). This makes it difficult to identify and control potential outbreaks. By identifying the animal reservoirs in non-endemic regions, researchers can better understand the transmission dynamics of the virus and develop targeted interventions to prevent outbreaks.
Second, it is essential to gather more information about the pathogenesis of the virus in vulnerable populations. In immunocompetent individuals, the pathogenesis of monkeypox virus (MPXV) infection typically results in a mild self-limiting illness. After an incubation period of around 5 to 21 days, symptoms of MPXV infection may appear, including fever, headache, muscle aches, and fatigue (3). A rash then typically develops, initially appearing on the face before spreading to the trunk and extremities. The rash may last for up to four weeks before healing (3). The severity of the MPXV in an immunocompetent individual depends on the viral strain involved, the inoculum size, and the route of infection. However, there is little research on the pathogenesis of the virus in vulnerable populations such as children, the elderly, pregnant women, and immunocompromised individuals (4). Understanding the pathogenesis of the virus in these populations can help researchers develop targeted treatments and interventions to reduce the severity of the disease.
Third, an information deficit regarding the diagnosis and treatment of MPXV remains despite the recorded advancement over the past few years. Diagnostic tests for MPXV include PCR-based assays, which detect viral DNA in clinical specimens, and serological assays, which detect antibodies to the virus in the blood (3). PCR-based assays are highly sensitive and specific but require specialized laboratory equipment and trained personnel, making them less accessible in resource-limited settings. Serological assays are less sensitive and specific but are more practical for use in field settings (1). The management of the disease is generally supportive and involves the treatment of symptoms such as fever, pain, and itching, as well as wound care for skin lesions (3). In severe cases, hospitalization may be necessary, and supportive measures such as intravenous fluids and oxygen therapy may be required. Notably, vaccination is an effective method for preventing MPXV infection, and the current smallpox vaccine provides some protection against MPXV (3). However, the smallpox vaccine is not widely available and can cause serious adverse reactions in some individuals. The absence of specific diagnostic tests or treatments for MPXV makes it difficult to identify and manage outbreaks (2). Thus, developing effective diagnostic tests and treatments for MPXV is a critical area of research.
The Role of Education
Education is a vital component of controlling the spread of any infectious disease, including the monkeypox virus (MPXV). To effectively prevent and limit the spread of MPXV, public education is necessary to inform individuals about the risks of the disease, modes of transmission, and prevention measures (1). An essential aspect of MPXV education is the stigmatization of the MPXV victims due to its disparity in spread across various members of the community. The current outbreak of MPXV is disproportionately affecting marginalized groups, espe...
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