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STIs and Prostitution during the Wars

Essay Instructions:

You will need to select 4 images that fit your theme from the list I have provided. Several have obvious themes, but as long as you can explain why your particular theme applies, no image is unusable with a particular theme. You need to establish a theme for your Writing Assignment. This will need to include a subject and at least one descriptor. At its simplest, this would mean a noun and an adjective for that noun. For example, “German Recruitment” or “Naval Warfare”. It can also include short phrases that modify the subject. For example, “Espionage in World War I” or “Dehumanization of the Enemy”. You can be more specific than these examples if you wish. There are certain forbidden themes: “War in World War I”, “War in World War II”, “War in the World Wars”, for glaringly obvious reasons. When picking a theme, remember that you are looking for propaganda, so your theme needs to deal with swaying public opinion. This does not have to be the most important thing of the war(s), or even a major focus of the war(s); it just needs to be something important enough that someone decided public opinion needed to be swayed about that subject. At the beginning of the Assignment, you need to write a paragraph describing your theme and why it would be important to the people that created your images. If you can find enough images that fit your theme, there was obviously some reason that the nation or nations involved considered the idea important. Why? What benefit comes from encouraging this idea – or, in some cases, discouraging the idea? How does your idea fit into the to fight and win a World War? This paragraph needs to be 100 to 150 words. Again, this does not have to mean the idea is a major focus of the war(s), but if there are multiple images about it, someone considered it to have some significance.
You then need a paragraph for each image describing how it fits with your theme. Do not just describe the image (I can see it, after all). Tell me how it fits into your theme. You can describe the image based upon how it conveys the theme. How does the choice of subject matter, the arrangement of the image, the colors used, and the use of words and/or fonts convey the theme? Remember that these documents are meant to evoke visceral reactions, so even though they include words, the words are secondary to the image. On the other hand, how those words are arranged may be very important to the reaction the image is trying to evoke, so do not ignore the words altogether. Each paragraph for each image needs to be 100-250 words.
You need to include a concluding paragraph that discusses the similarities and differences between the images you chose. Besides the idea of your theme, are there things about the images that unify them? A common motif or type of image? Similar words and/or styles of words? Are there differences that appear despite the common theme? Different uses of image, words, or colors that are used to convey different moods? Or are different between different nations (if your images are not from the same place)? You don't have to answer all of these but keep them in mind when comparing the images. I do not want your name or any other non-essay information on the first page. You are to start the Introduction on the first line.
Use 12-point, Times New Roman font. The Word default is now 11-point Calibri, so you need to change that.
Double-space your text. This is generally the default, but make sure.
1-inch margins on all sides. The is the default for Word, so you should not need to change anything.
One Tab at the beginning of each paragraph.
Pictures links down below.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

STIs and Prostitution During the Wars
Student’s Name
STIs and Prostitution During the Wars
The World War was undoubtedly a critical period where many people died, got maimed, or suffered significant psychological trauma. In an attempt to gain superiority over other countries, the fighting nations led to a historic war era that is remembered to date. However, aside from the raging battles and blood-filled violence, there was another wide-spreading scourge in the army camps, prostitution and sexually transmitted diseases. Essentially, many soldiers in the camps were frequently diagnosed with syphilis, gonorrhea among other STDs. The cases grew increasingly high majorly because soldiers engaged in irresponsible sexual behaviors with prostitutes and other sex workers. The diseases spread easily in the camps because the ratio of soldiers to women in the war regions was significantly high, meaning that they had to share sexual partners. The infections were so widespread that interested parties, stakeholders, and the government decided to launch campaigns to educate soldiers and warn them about their sexual activities, as seen in the pictures below.
The image was targeted at women, and it warned men against engaging in irresponsible sexual behaviors. Women participated in war operations in new and creative ways throughout the twentieth century, but they also did so in a lengthy, though less respected, fashion. There were plenty of propaganda posters aimed at soldiers in uniform, reminding them to be cautious in their sexual relations. The women in the picture are seen smiling deceptively, with one of them winking at a potential victim. They appear dolled and beautiful with their directly glossy makeup and lipstick which ideally was meant to attract the soldiers to their doom. The picture is also rife with letter arrangements intended to pass the message humorously. For example, The L in Loose is lengthened and also used for the word Loaded to enhance the poster’s visual appeal. Also, the font sizes for the word “loose” and “loaded” are larger and brightly colored so that people will notice them first.
The poster is, without a doubt, visually appealing. The brightly colored paintings are easily noticeable to ensure the intended audience gets the message. Aside from the picture, the words Booby Trap are used as a military pun, since in the poster, there is an image of a p...
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