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Ideas of Architects on Modern Architectural Trends of the 20th Century

Essay Instructions:

“I advocate an architecture that arises from respect for nature in its complexity, not only its visual characteristics, and from empathy and loyalty to all forms of life and from a humility about our own destiny.” Julian Pallasmaa, Local Architecture

Read the brief excerpts from Mies van der Rohe and Le Corbusier. How did their ideas shape the Modern architecture of the 20th century? What was important to them and how did their understanding of architecture influence architectural trends discussed in the course? Flesh out your answer with examples from the course, with at least 2 from the first half of the class and 2 from the second.

Now read the brief article by Daniel Barber and Erin Putalik, “Forest, Tower, City: Rethinking the Green Machine Aesthetic.” What are Barber and Putalik’s concerns about the Vertical Forest Tower by Stefano Boeri and other such projects? How might you relate those concerns to the visions of Mies and le Corbusier as discussed above? How do Pallasmaa (in the quote above) and Barber and Putalik want us to think about sustainable architecture instead? Please refer to at least 2 buildings discussed this semester that you believe might edge us closer to the sort of sustainable architecture these authors are asking for.

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Art History, Architecture Essay Exam
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Art History, Architecture Essay Exam
Modern architecture and development have expanded over the century. Numerous architectures, including Corbusier, Lloyd Wright, Gropius, and Mies, greatly influenced the 20th-century generation of architects. The architectures developed various architectural designs and approaches for modern structures. Structures with different international styles have been adopted in modern building designs based on the ideas and knowledge of the pioneers of modern architecture. The paper evaluates the contribution of ideas of various architects and the influence they had on modern architectural trends of the 20th century. Barber, Putalik, and Pallasmaa’s concerns about sustainable architecture with relevant examples are also discussed in the paper.
Ideas of Mies and Corbusier help establish design principles and the unification of design, social function, and lifestyle in relating technology and architecture. The mass-production buildings of the twentieth century utilize aspects of mass, surface, and plans. They recognize that architecture depends on facts, and the combination of technology and architecture brings out the significance of structures in terms of form (Conrads & Bullock, 1976). The modern architecture of the 20th century embraces form-based principled designs with a structural emphasis on volume. The Gesamtkultur idea of Mies greatly motivated the modern movement because of its functional design. Mies’s principle of “less is more” is envisioned in their Skyscraper Seagram Building in New York City (1958), made of glass and marble exterior with Johnson. The structural form and quality of standard buildings was the most important thing to them.
The pilotis, free floor plans, horizontal windows, roof gardens, and free facades are greatly applied in 20th-century structural buildings courtesy of Mies and Corbusier. Open interior spaces, rectilinear forms of light and taut surfaces, and decorations are the aspects of architecture by Corbusier that were applied in international-style buildings (Conrads & Bullock, 1976). Mies influenced the adoption and developme...
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