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Assignment Evolving Practice of Nursing and Patient Care Delivery Models

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My coworker always appreciate when I educating them while they are treating the patient for mental illness; they are as well needs to assess patient for any medical issues and acknowledge it and should be treated accordingly by our facility medical staff.

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The Evolving Practice of Nursing and Patient Care Delivery Models
The Evolving Practice of Nursing and Patient Care Delivery Models
The healthcare delivery system of the US is facing a restructuring that will necessitate a redefinition and adjustment to new roles, which will affect the major key players who offer medical services. Nurses are one category of healthcare professionals who will experience more change because the group will have to shoulder greater responsibility compared to the previous system. The nurses would need a proper elaboration on the new expectations that come with the redefinition. The caregivers will be highly involved in the healthcare process, which will focus more on the patient and not the service provider. The essay provides a breakdown of the changes nurses should anticipate within the system, describes the expectations that arise from the new responsibilities, and suggests a way to respond to the adjustments.
The restructuring of the healthcare system will cause an introduction in new elements that nurse would need to adopt. The first set of changes will be observable in the Accountable Care Organizations (ACO) (Salmond &Echevarria, 2017). The structure of the organizations comprises of a grid of health establishments and suppliers who take full responsibility for the overall expenses and quality of medical services a given number of patients receive in a specified timeframe. The system advocates for great care in the coordination of services amongst tasked personnel, and maintenance of safety all though the provision of health services. The system policies dictate the use of methods that minimize on duplication and wastage, with the aim of maximizing on the use of prevention services for proper health. Nurses will need to assess factors in the environment to influence the healing process of the patient (Salmond &Echevarria, 2017). Such factors include personal behavioral tendencies of the patients like drug abuse and sexual activities. Regulation of the factors will contribute to the progress and treatment of chronic diseases. There will also be need to assess the suitability of the residential and work areas of the patient to determine whether the factors contribute positively to the healing process. Overall health and well-being depends on the influence of physical and social environments around a person, to favor behavioral reformation for desired health status.
Secondly, there will be changes in the structure of the medical homes (Salmond &Echevarria, 2017). Remedial homes will have basis on the patient so that every client concerned receives high quality, lower cost primary attention, which is important with patients suffering from chronic illnesses. Nurses will have a high involvement in the provision of healthcare according to set guidelines. Healthcare in medical homes should cater to both bodily and psychological wellness in such a manner that the caregivers operate as a team. The engagements between the nurses and patients should be such that the nurses cater for the needs of patients according to preferences based on values, distinctive needs, and cultural normality. The services will also ensure specialized care, community provision and client support. The care would require coordination between hospitals and homes, with special attention in precarious moments such as movement to and from different areas of care (Aroh, Colella, Douglas &Eddings, 2018). The intensive involvement of the nurses will help reduce waiting durations, and increase periods for access to help even after official attendance hours. There is emphasis on safety and quality, which nurses will achieve by making decisions based on clinic...
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