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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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High School Scholarship Letter of Application

Essay Instructions:

This letter must be written on a templated form with the applicable criteria. The 3 documents will be attached to assist you in editing this letter.

Letter of Application Guidelines 2017-2018 Guidelines for the Argyle Scholarship Letter of Application: All scholarship and bursary applicants must write a letter of application to be dropped off to Ms. Malone or the main office. The Letter of Application Template found on the Argyle Scholarship website MUST be used. The letter should contain the following information: a) An expansion on the information outlined in your application b) An outline of your interests, hobbies, and activities c) A summary of positions and offices held in school, youth, and community organizations d) An indication of your future educational plans e) Details of employment in the past two years f) Any other relevant information e.g. Travel/second language skills g) The body of your letter must be a maximum of one page in length (must be typed in font no smaller than 10 pt with out adjusting the margins of 1.5”). g) A suggested format for the letter is: - address your letter to: Argyle Scholarship and Bursary Committee - open letter with: Dear Committee Members - close letter with: Thank you for your consideration Yours truly,

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Dear Committee Members,
I have had a wonderful time at Argyle, and as it is coming to an end, I write to you with the hope that you can reward me for the effort and excellence I have shown in my studies and commitment to other courses that are dear to the school. I have always treated my school with utmost seriousness, and this is evident in the grades I have attained over the years, consistently scoring an A. While I am a person dedicated to my studies and other ventures, I also have hobbies that I engage in when I am free. First, I have a passion for reading novels and inspirational stories. They give me a sense of calm and relaxation and help me to revitalize my energy. Additionally, I love sporting activities especially soccer. I believe in the power of these sporting activities to keep one fresh and healthy. Following my passion for science, I have had the opportunity learn from other experienced medical practitioners, always listening to what they have to say on important medical matters. The school has given us the opportunity to hear from these medical professionals on their experiences and what it takes to succeed in t...
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