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Revised Cover Letter
Essay Instructions:
Just a revision of the initial Cover Letter that was written, making it better and using some feedback I got from fellow classmates and Revising my cover letter in response to a chosen job ad. Here are the initial instructions that were provided for the first cover letter assignment:
WRIT 300 Forum - Week 12 Discussion - Cover Letter Review
Cover Letter
Review Module 3.
Your task:
o Write a cover letter in response to a chosen job ad by 11/17
Key Elements
An opening paragraph stating reason for writing (e.g., to be considered for the available position).
The body of the letter should highlight skills not covered in the high-level resume.
A concluding paragraph, reiterating reason why you are the best candidate for the job.
Please note: when posting your cover letter, be mindful about removing contact information in order to preserve privacy.
These are the new instructions:
o Revise your cover letter in response to a chosen job ad by 11/23
Key Elements
An opening paragraph stating reason for writing (e.g., to be considered for the available position).
The body of the letter should highlight skills not covered in the high-level resume.
A concluding paragraph, reiterating reason why you are the best candidate for the job.
Here is feedback I got from my peers which could help in the revision for this assignment:
Great post! Your cover letter is positive, specific, and effectively conveys how you could benefit Apple. To make it a bit stronger, I'd recommend editing the following: “Having served for over a year in the corporate world at the executive level and being a part of nationally reputed corporate entities”
It is overly verbose and slightly unclear. Consider rephrasing for clarity and brevity.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
[Your Address]
[City, State ZIP]
[Hiring Manager's Name]
Cupertino, CA
RE: Application for an Administrative Assistant Position at Apple’s Hardware Engineering Team
Dear [Mr./Ms.] [Hiring Manager's Last Name],
I am excited to apply for the Administrative Assistant position at Apple’s Hardware Engineering team, as advertised on I believe that my experience in the corporate world and executive leadership will significantly contribute to Apple's mission of producing quality and innovative software, hardware, and services that meet consumers’ expectations and redefine the technology industry. Additionally, I am highly competent in the hardware field and am willing to share and acquire more knowledge and skills from other team members since the technological field is highly dynamic.
My last job for Innovatech Solutions involved offering executive assistant services to the firm's Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and a pool of 30 engineers. What tasks? I coordinated multiple calendars and schedules, arranged international business trips, handled reimbursement forms and sundry meetings, and planned group activities. I was able to decrease the number of communication channels and contract better scheduling procedures, which resulted in a 25% rise in my team's productivity and in guaranteeing compliance with strategic timelines.
Recently, I am no longer doing miscellaneous administrative work. I manage corporate programs, including product rel...
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