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Professional Development Reflective Journal

Essay Instructions:

Hi, the requirements for this assignment are rather trivial and I need to explain them to you first. I will send you some documents from which you can get the information you need and the instructor provides a template for the final completion. You can start your work based on the template. Also, we have five completed tests, and my initial thought was that I would provide you with the results of my quiz and then need to integrate them into the final assignment through your work. But I haven't finished it yet, and time is already very tight. However, since the entire assignment is biased towards subjective analysis, for the time being the absence of these five assessment results provided by my side may not have a particularly large impact on your writing process.Of course if you need to see it, I'll finish it right away and upload it to you. Use AMJ referencing style,please.

Hi, the professor's request is that you can use articles from your own research as references, but use as many references as possible from the list he offered. Here is the list.


Assessment Task Description Summary There are three important outcomes of your Professional Development Reflective Journal (PDRJ): • To generate self-awareness of your strengths, attributes, and abilities. • To identify your career preferences and choices, leading ultimately to career decisions and identity. • To prepare you for reflective writing in your profession in performance appraisals, promotion, and career changes. This assessment contains two parts: The detailed requirements for this assessment task will be discussed in the seminars and will be outlined in the Professional Development Reflective Journal Task Guide provided. PART 1 – Summary • You are required to complete a self-evaluation questionnaire/activity before or during the seminar weeks 2-6. • Using the self-evaluation questionnaire/activity you are required to reflect on your results. Then you will complete your Professional Development Reflective Journals on the template provided week by week. They are to be around 600 words. • It is important that you do this every week as you will have the time, support, and guidance in the seminar workshops. PART 2 - Summary After writing your weekly Professional Development Reflective Journals you are required to assemble, compile, and integrate the small stories in your 5 weekly PDRJs into one coherent 2000-word reflective journal. You are required to review all your Professional Development Reflective Journals and the feedback you received. • You will submit a 2000-word overall Professional Development Reflective Journal. You will use and combine all of the small stories from your weekly PDRJs. You will make one story of your career progress to date. MGTS7621 Jan Ferguson 2 • Each of the 5 weekly reflections must be REVIEWED, SUMMARISED AND DISCUSSED within the 2000 words. • You will be expected to draw upon the underpinning theories and concepts for each of the career self-assessments to support your reflections, using at least five relevant readings from the course reading list. • Suggested headings and format for the report will be provided. The marking criteria and grade descriptors are in the marking rubric. Use the marking rubric, the Course Profile (ECP) and this document to guide the preparation of your submissions. Task Description: Your overall task is to write a 2000-word final Professional Development Reflective Journal (PDRJ) drawing on what you have learned about yourself, through writing weekly Professional Development Reflective Journals are based on self-evaluation questionnaires and activities in seminars 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 combined with the ongoing feedback provided in discussion. Each week from 1-6 you will write your Professional Development Reflective Journal (PDRJ) of around 500 words. The first PDRJ will be a practice one. You will use a Professional Development Reflective Journal Template which will be provided. You will improve on your PDRJs using the developmental advice and feedback given in the workshop discussions. This assessment will assist you to develop the professional skill of reflection, self-profiling and career planning and management. These evaluations and journals are essential for completing Assessment Task Two, your Career ePortfolio or website. Also, professional reflections and evaluations are used in employment, for example, in recruitment, in performance reviews, promotion applications and may be useful as you make your many career transitions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Final Report Template (MGTS7621)
(Use in conjunction with Final Report More Details document)
Introduction (150 words)
Choosing a career is very instrumental for all individuals. The career that one chooses determines how their life unfolds. Before starting the course, my initial career plan was to work toward becoming a top executive. With this in mind worked on the five professional development reflective journals (PDRJ). PDRJ1 entailed identifying my career adaptability. Here, I discovered what I am capable of doing. PDRJ2 entailed more self-awareness. PDRJ3 helped me identify personal attributes and skills needed for my career path. PDRJ4 involved identifying the work values I need in my career. Lastly, PDRJ5 was meant to assist me in articulating my career vision. This final reflection highlights what I need to consider when choosing my career path. It is important to help me in developing the required skills and values. It is instrumental in shaping my career choice to focus on what I can do best.
My self-evaluation results
PRDR1 Results (Sections 1 – 5 completed and screenshot)
1 Your name and date of this PDRJ
2 Title of the self-evaluation/questionnaire activity that you completed.
3 Seminar number


My Self-evaluation and results

1 Summarise your self-evaluation/questionnaire results here.
Add the full results as an appendix below where necessary.
50 words

1 The results of the self-evaluation activity I completed this week are:

2 Describe in your own words your response to the self-evaluation/questionnaire activity results.
100 words

5. What I have learned about myself in this self-evaluation/questionnaire

PDRJ2 Results (Sections 1 – 5 completed and screenshot)
4 Your name and date of this PDRJ
5 Title of the self-evaluation/questionnaire activity that you completed.
6 Seminar number


My Self-evaluation and results

2 Summarise your self-evaluation/questionnaire results here.
Add the full results as an appendix below where necessary.
50 words

3 The results of the self-evaluation activity I completed this week are:

4 Describe in your own words your response to the self-evaluation/questionnaire activity results.
100 words

5. What I have learned about myself in this self-evaluation/questionnaire

PDRJ3 Results (Sections 1 – 5 completed and screenshot)
7 Your name and date of this PDRJ
8 Title of the self-evaluation/questionnaire activity that you completed.
9 Seminar number


My Self-evaluation and results

3 Summarise your self-evaluation/questionnaire results here.
Add the full results as an appendix below where necessary.
50 words

5 The results of the self-evaluation activity I completed this week are:

6 Describe in your own words your response to the self-evaluation/questionnaire activity results.
100 words

5. What I have learned about myself in this self-evaluation/questionnaire

PDRJ4 Results (Sections 1 – 5 completed and screenshot)
10 Your name and date of this PDRJ
Title of the self-evaluation/questionnaire activity that you completed.
Seminar number


My Self-evaluation and results

4 Summarise your self-evaluation/questionnaire results here.
Add the full results as an appendix below where necessary.
50 words

7 The results of the self-evaluation activity I completed this week are:

8 Describe in your own words your response to the self-evaluation/questionnaire activity results.
100 words

5. What I have learned about myself in this self-evaluation/questionnaire

PDRJ5 (Section 3 – Vision Board)
Career Vision Board – insert here or attach separately (Please see the additional resources below and in the folder to assist you to create your vision board) THIS PART IS USED IN YOUR ASSESSMENT
Explanation of your career vision board and how it will inform your career planning – 250 words. THIS PART IS USED IN YOUR ASSESSMENT
My overall learnings from PDRJs 1-5 (1000 words)
The PDRJs were quite influential in my life and the career path I want to take. The first lesson I got from the PDRJs was that planning my career is not an easy endeavor, and for it to be a success, I need to have an in-depth knowledge of myself. However, how does one get to know themselves? As Shepherd (2005) indicated, self-awareness is not an easy endeavor, regardless of the purpose behind a person's commitment to know themselves. These things were made clear in the first week, and I realized that it is a lot of work to study myself. Apparently, in the first week, it was made clear that I needed to know myself, know what I like and do not like, know what moves and motivates me, and develop a vision for myself. However, developing a vision is not an easy endeavor, and though one can easily pass this step, it was made clear that a vision is all but a start. The purpose of a vision is to paint a picture of where I would like to go. However, one has to be careful not to paint a picture of a future they do not desire or will eventually be tired of. This, however, is not to say that a vision needs to be perfect. But, it ought to be adjustable and adaptable as I grow and move on in life. Further, I have to know that I am answerable to myself and that the decision to enhance myself is highly dependent on me. No one will help me realize my vision or affirm my beliefs.
The second learning from the PDRJs was that I am a person who derives a sense of responsibility from exercising my skills, and this influenced my standing on managerial roles. Apparently, I learned that I am not interested in management because I deem management positions quite rigid. Therefore, I consider opportunities that offer me more flexibility to be suited to who I am. In such opportunities, I foresee having more impact on those around me than when am a leader. A functional role will allow me to be myself and exercise control over my workspace. Such a lesson serves to point me in the right career direction. The societal idea of employment is that after one is employed, the ideal career trajectory is to assume a management role in the future eventually. However, through this week's results, I have learned that this is not the case for me. Apparently, I want to be an authority in whichever career I choose, but I would like not to be burdened with dictating what people do every day. I would say that this is influenced more by my personality, which Judge and Kammeyer-Mueller (2007) note greatly influences how people will fare in their careers. What the above means is that knowing myself more paves the way for me to understand what I stand to offer an organization and whether I am in the right career.
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