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3 pages/≈825 words
Creative Writing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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How Someone Made Me Feel I'm Worthy and a Problem I Will Help Solve

Essay Instructions:

Please find the attached document with 2 questions and word count for each question in red.

  1. How has someone made you feel like you were worth something, and how will you make someone feel the same? [2 pages or less, double spaced]
  2. What is one systemic problem with our world you will help solve in your lifetime? Be as specific as you can. [1 page or less, double spaced]
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Scholarship Questions
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Question One
Growing up and coming to a realization of myself was not easy. I had immense self-esteem issues and was terrified about myself. I came from a functional family, where my mum and dad were there and supported us (me and my siblings). However, I was not a good performer in my initial years at school, which made me lose a lot of esteem. My classmates made fun of me and even branded me names. My mum was not enjoying being related to me either. However, my dad was there for me and had me take calm side tuitions with him. He celebrated every little success I made and did not make fun of me when I failed. He held my hand and encouraged me to study smarter.
His encouragement and support did not stop at my pre-primary school level but continued until I improved and could participate in class like others. He made me feel worthy and convinced me that I am worthy of being an academic warrior. I still carry his words with me everywhere I go. Because of him, I feel that I am worth being called an academic giant. It can be seen in my class results and my proactive nature at school. I aim at growing myself professionally to be a community health worker and a passionate advocate for equity, justice, and healthy lifestyles throughout the world.
I hold my dad in high esteem. I am essentially proud to be his daughter. Due to this expensive value he has instilled in me, I find it easy to make others feel valued, no matter what they have done or their situations. I believe in treating other people as I would like to be treated. I will make other people feel valued any day, any time. For instance, I would stand up for her if I found out that a lady my age was being body-shamed or excluded from important occasions due to her body or dressing. I would encourage her to stay strong and hopeful. I would tag along as she goes shopping so that I can assist her in selecting clothes that fit her body and stature. I would then make her know and believ...
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