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Creative Writing
English (U.S.)
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Create an Argumentative on English 101 (Creative Writing Essay)

Essay Instructions:

ENG101 Name____________________________ Midterm

1. Create an argumentative claim and essay. You will not need to do any research to answer the question.

First, Generate a personal statement about writing (warrant). Then create a well-developed claim and essay that supports if and why ENG101W has benefited or detracted from this goal. For example, a warrant might read, ““Writing allows me to view the world through many lenses” and your claim statement might read: “While some classes are limited in focus, ENG 101W has expanded my writing ability, allowing me to view the world through many lenses.” Your response might include how the readings, writings and discussions broadened your horizons and helped you view the world from different lenses. Your answer should be a well-developed multi- paragraph response with a thesis statement, introduction and conclusion.

A well-written introduction and conclusion (15 points)

Clear organization and structure that includes topic sentences and body paragraphs (30 points)

Fully developed argument or ideas (15 points)

Appropriate length (10 points)

Clear, professional writing (I understand it is a draft) (15 points)

Side note.. you can elaborate that I feel I need to learn more on thesis statement and writing an introduction for the most part I feel that class has taught me

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Create an Argumentative on English 101
Writing enhances my critical thinking skills and enables me to apply my knowledge in creative ways. The course offers opportunities to develop essential abilities of writing, including analysis, reporting, and researching. Further, the course has also allowed me to understand things from different perspectives. Many opportunities will enable an individual to practice and think through issues. This is an essential skill that can be applied in various life settings. Writing is an avenue for organizing thoughts, enhancing critical thinking and creativity. There is no way you can write effectively without having these three core aspects. Besides, the writing process requires an effective organization. Each sentence and paragraph must be well-organized, with effective word choices to eliminate ambiguities...
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