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Critical Analysis of Creative Industries

Essay Instructions:

Analysis through an interview (completed) analysis needs to be CRITICAL, to analyse the creative industries through the interview, not to analyse the interview. Try not to have the first person in the analysis. The PowerPoint is important and needs to be looked at carefully, some of the requirements for the analysis are also in the PowerPoint. Citation of material needs to be cited from some of the reading in the course. need to analyse alienation, racial discrimination, relationship with business, government power in the creative industries through interviews。

I would like to analyse, mainly through interviews, racial discrimination, alienation, exploitation in the creative industries, the relationship between creative industries and business, and government power (e.g. reducing government intervention).

If possible, I would like to analyse some of the factors mentioned in the course overview below.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Critical Analysis of Creative Industries
Various dynamics impact the creative industry from different perspectives based on the relationships between content creators and other sectors. For instance, in the interview, there is an indication of government interventions in the creative industry to limit the content released and the stories told by content creators. This form of government intervention might be due to the need to protect the citizens from consuming lousy content. However, the attempts to regulate such information tend to create fear and humiliation where some individuals are not allowed to tell stories as they are, yet it is the truth that people need to know (Drab-Kurowska 2017, p. 77). For instance, in the interview, the interviewee reveals that the cancellation of the movie "Sound of April" was due to censorship based on government policies to regulate content creation and dissemination in a bid to curb the distribution of negative influence through digital media. Therefore, it is essential for media companies and content creators to be aware of the government policies and regulations about media to help them be safe since the bleaching of some guidelines could lead to more trouble and losses. For instance, the production of the film "Sound of April" might have cost the producers so much money and anticipated gaining much more from selling the movie (Interview, p. 13). However, the turn of tales that hit them led to financial losses and even some more detrimental impacts.
When it comes to the involvement of different people in content creation, there is a possibility of racial discrimination, where there are issues with people being selfish and favoring only those from similar backgrounds. For instance, Justin, the interviewee, argues that he likes his content to be dynamic and mainly targets the international market. This should be the spirit of content creators and even the consumers since they are different parties with the need to develop cohesion for effective work relationships. In most cases, content consumers are discriminative since they want to consume only the content created by people from their locality and those who share similar backgrounds. This aspect gives content creators some fears about whether their content might be accepted in a particular region and how it might impact their career. Justin unveils that he always had a passion for cameras and filming. Thus, he was motivated to tell his stories; he was confident that telling his life stories could be the deal-breakers since it would help more people understand him and enable them to have a better liking for his creative work. Like Justin, many other content creators always have fears of how they can penetrate the international market and how people could receive their content without discrimination and face bias from all corners. This interview shed some light on hope to content creators that racial discrimination cannot deter them from achieving their targets since all they have to focus on is its quality. With quality content, it becomes difficult for people to resist it regardless of the creators. It is easy to scale greater heights in the industry and develop unique content that could give them the power to press on.
Consequently, the interview reveals a significant aspect that could become an issue in content creation. This is an alienation of the content and even content creators. Justin states that his most viewed video on TikTok gathered eight million views and communicated to the world that China can be creative on cars and not just copy as it is the reason they are famous. This revelation shows that people and organizations in the content creation industry face alienation because of their backgrounds and the cultural perspectives they align with (Hesmondhalgh 2012, p. 56). Governments and content consumers could quickly alienate content creators and content based on their cultural backgrounds and beliefs about their abilities. For instance, the majority could think that car tuners and modifiers in China could not be well experienced since they are used to copying ideas from giant car manufacturers such as Japan and Germany. This way, it becomes difficult for content from such backgrounds to trend on the international market. In other instances, racial discrimination is closely related to alienation since it is the basis on which content and content creators could be alienated, considering they are from 'minority' groups. For instance, when a White person gets to social media and sees a video filmed by an Asian or an African, they are most likely to skip since they believe they are superior to people from other communities. They have nothing to learn from them since the Whites are superior and more knowledgeable. Such biases and discrimination lead to alienation.
In other cases, governments might be at the central point of alienating content and content creators based on content regulation policies. Some industry players ...
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