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How Uber Revolutionized the Transit Industry through Disruptive Technologies

Essay Instructions:


Assignments and Rubrics: Week 10: Assignment 3: Business Analysis/Create Your Own Case Study Instructions 1. Throughout the quarter, we’ve been discussing operations at a digital media business while looking at some companies that have done well and spearheaded major changes within certain industries. For Assignment 3, it’s time to do your own investigation. Use your business, one you hope to open in the future, or another innovative company to analyze and write a case study about. It is a great opportunity for you to think about and research exactly how you want your company to be. If you are struggling with your choice, you can choose the organization that you currently work for or another innovative startup. Look to the following lists for inspiration: https://www.fastcompany.com/most-innovative-companies/2017 and https://www.forbes.com/innovative-companies/#4da0dab61d65 2. Using the provided template, present the case study that is organized as follows: a. Title- come up with a catchy title for this case study to pique the reader’s interest. Ex. A Marketing Tip from Dr. Jeff b. Executive Summary*- 1-2 paragraphs summarizing what your case study is about (see details below) c. Introduction to the Business- 1-2 paragraphs that provide background information about what this business is, does and how it got started. d. Need- write 2-3 paragraphs about what need the business fills. Did this business change the industry? If so, how? e. Marketing, Social Media and Client Management- research and report back about what this business is doing to innovate in terms of marketing, social media and client BUS 543 Digital Media Business Operations Assignments management. Is the business using both traditional and digital media in its marketing? What traditional marketing is it using; what digital media is it using? What process is the business using for client management? This section should be 3-4 paragraphs in length. f. Performance/Results- report about how this business has excelled (or missed the mark in certain areas) and what their results have been. This section should be 2-3 paragraphs in length and should include specific data/key metrics to demonstrate their results. g. Recommendations- What high-level recommendations would you suggest for this business moving forward (enhance social media presence, streamline processes, build customer base, introduce new products, etc.) 2-3 paragraphs h. Key Takeaways- What have you learned from the hits or misses of this business that you can apply to your own organization. 2-3 paragraphs i. References- must be included in the form of a reference page (APA format suggested) http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ *An executive summary is a short document or section of a document, produced for business purposes, that summarizes a longer report or proposal or a group of related reports in such a way that readers can rapidly become acquainted with a large body of material without having to read it all. It usually contains a brief statement of the proposal covered in the major document, background information, concise analysis and main conclusions. It is intended as an aid to decision-making by managers and has been described as possibly the most important part of a business plan. They must be short and to the point. Typical structure There is wide general agreement on the structure of a "typical" executive summary. Typically, an executive summary will: * be written in the same order as the main report * only include material present in the main report * be able to be read separately from the main report http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_summary Formatting Requirements for this assignment are as follows: Typed in a Word document • Double spaced using font size 12 • References must be included in the form of a reference page (APA format suggested) • Include a cover page with your name, assignment and course title, and the date. • Your analysis should be no more than 8 pages in length (excluding the cover page and references).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
  Student Name: BUS 543 Professor: Date: Executive Summary The focus of this case study is on Uber, one of the most innovative businesses in the transport sector. The case study introduced the company and its business and proceeds to explore the needs it meets, its performance, and its marketing initiatives. Introduction to the Business             Uber is the largest ride-sharing company established in 2009. The company offers a technology platform that connects drivers and clients in the mobility segment. Other segments are freight and delivery, where the latter connects clients with such businesses as groceries and restaurants where clients can order and arrange pick-up or delivery for their products. The freight segment connects carriers and shippers on the Uber platform. Therefore, Uber started as a ride-sharing company and it is not evolving into segments, including autonomous trucks and data management (Fast Company, n.d.). Today, Uber believes that its most valuable asset is data. Need             Uber has filled a need for people to access transport fast and reliably. Additionally, it has allowed car owners to make extra money from offering rides. This is an arrangement that never existed before where people had to rely on traditional taxis.             Uber has changed the transport industry massively. According to Beyer (2016), Uber has revolutionized transport more in seven years than the government has managed in seven decades. Today, accessing taxi services has become as easy as ordering something over the internet. Car owners do not necessarily have to incur operational expenses alone and those who can spare additional time in their schedules can make money through the company. Marketing, Social Media, and Client Management             Uber’s market strategy relies heavily on its digital platform and social media. The digital marketing strategy comprises such elements as word of mouth, loyalty programs, messages designed to sell the experience and comfort, and referral programs (Darwin, 2022). In social media, Uber targets the digital customer persona, through owned, paid, and earned media. Client management at Uber is also accomplished through the technological innovations of digital media. Performance/Results             Uber's performance has been exceptional since it was established. As a disruptive startup, the initial growth was expected to be exponential as the brand grew stronger and consumers continued to trust its business. In 2021, the company had strong growth in revenues and even greater adjusted profitability. For example, the last quarter of 2021 recorded revenue growth of $5.78 billion, which was 83% higher than the last quarter of 2020 (Wilheim, 2022). Besides revenues and profits, another key performance metric is the market share. As other businesses join the indu...
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