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Data about The Emissions Experienced Globally during The Pandemic

Essay Instructions:

Part A:

1. Provide a summary of the article you have chosen by identifying the purpose and what real-world problem it is addressing/trying to solve. Include the following information: (Bulleted format, as shown below, is acceptable).

• Topic (what real world problem does this study address?)

• Date of publication/study.

• Author/Researchers.

• Audience for the article.

• Why the article was written.

2. Explain which category(s) of descriptive statistics is used in the study and how it is used to communicate the information found in the study and/or any conclusions/solutions posed (1–2 paragraphs). Make sure to clearly connect your explanation to the purpose/real world problem the article is addressing.

3. Describe several connections, using specific examples, between the information presented/the problem and its larger impact to the world/your major/current job/future career goal. (1–2 paragraphs).

I can use Word as my presentation for Part B instead of PowerPoint. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you for working with me

4. Recommend several highly relevant and valid solutions based on the mathematical and visual data provided in the article.

Part B:

An additional part of the application process requires you to create a presentation based on the information provided above. To do so, choose an audience (outside of the field of mathematics) that could benefit from the information you will present:

1. Create one visualization of the data appropriate for the conference audience (1 slide). Make sure that your visualization includes appropriate titles, labels, colors, and text. Note: If the article already contains a visual, you must create a different type of graph or chart.

2. Explain how the audience can benefit from the data (1 slide).

3. Recommend your identified solutions using language appropriate for the audience.

In the notes section of your final slide, answer the following questions in 1–2 paragraphs:

1. Explain why you chose the audience you identified above.

2. Describe how the language, purpose, and visuals used in the presentation are appropriate for the audience.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Data about The Emissions Experienced Globally during The Pandemic
Forster, P. M., Forster, H. I., Evans, M. J., Gidden, M. J., Jones, C. D., Keller, C. A., Lamboll, R. D., Quéré, C. L., Rogelj, J., Rosen, D., Schleussner, C.-F., Richardson, T. B., Smith, C. J., & Turnock, S. T. (2020). Current and future global climate impacts resulting from COVID-19. Nature Climate Change, 10(10), 913–919. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-020-0883-0
Title of the Article
The study addresses the issue of emissions that result in environmental pollution globally due to the impact of COVID-19. The authors focus on analyzing recorded data about the emissions experienced globally during the COVID-19 pandemic when the world was at the peak of implementing infection-curbing measures.
Year of Publication and Authors
The article was published in October 2020 and was written by several authors: Forster, P. M., Forster, H. I., Evans, M. J., Gidden, M. J., Jones, C. D., Keller, C. A., Lamboll, R. D., Quéré, C. L., Rogelj, J., Rosen, D., Schleussner, C.-F., Richardson, T. B., Smith, C. J., and Turnock, S. T.
The Audience for the Article
The target audience for the article is all learners, researchers, and environmentalists. It provides adequate information regarding the trends in emissions and insight into how there could be more actions to reduce emissions. According to the article, the rate of emissions decreased globally exactly when different governments-imposed lockdowns and other movement restrictive measures such as curfews. Due to reduced human activity, there were fewer emissions because people only stayed indoors with only the essential services and departments remaining functional.
The Reason the Article Was Written
The article was written to help provide information about the impact of COVID-19 and how it could have helped improve the environment. Reading the on formation in the article could give learners and environmentalists new ideas on how they could influence manufacturing and processing industries to minimize emissions that result in environmental pollution. Also, it is an effective eye-opener on the need for more electric cars to ensure there are minimal emissions that result from gasoline-burning in vehicles globally.
Data Analysis
The article is data-centered since most of the arguments are based on the data acquired from the observations made during the pandemic's peak. Therefore, the study employs descriptive statistics to provide adequate data analysis and ensure the target audience's efficient computation of the information for synthesis. There are two main categories of descriptive statistics used in the article: frequency and dispersion measures (Forster et al., 2020). Measures of dispersion are also known as measures of variation, and they present data based on aspects such as range, variance, and standard deviation. On the other hand, frequency measures depict the count, frequency, and percentage. All these categories of descriptive statistics are used in the article to present the data provided in various for...
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