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Premier Consultants As The Software Development Manager

Essay Instructions:

it is a business letter. Rhetorical Context

You work for Premier Consultants as the “Software Development Manager.”

Write a complaint letter to Software Solutions, which developed your new customer-service database. The level of service and technical support provided by Software Solutions to date has not met your expectations.

Include the following points:

Telephone calls from your employees to the company’s tech support department are often not returned in a timely fashion, and sometimes not at all.

Software-assistance personnel often blame your company’s hardware for the problem; however, your hardware representative reports that the problem is with the software, and you believe your representative to be correct.

Promised four-hour monthly in-service training sessions have not been scheduled for the past three months.

You must also mention that your company is considering not paying Software Consultants the remaining 30 percent of the purchase amount. However, this matter is delicate because your company, Premier Consultants, has already invested thousands of dollars in the software. It’s really too late to dump the product, but the points above need to be corrected.

Follow the principles in Chapter 8 to compose a formal business letter--see model on p. 288-- that communicates formality, respect, and authority. Describe the problems and motivate a solution.


Use a letterhead template (available for free in Google Docs or MS Word) to create your letterhead. Refer to the model on pg. 288.

Your letter should be no more than two pages in full-block style but no less than a page and half. `

A successful letter will do more than describe problems. It will also identify and propose a reasonable solution.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
8284 Honey Creek Ave.
Yonkers, NY 10701
(555) 456-7878
September 19, 2018
Software Solutions
7890 Central Drive
Brooklyn, NY 11221
Dear Sir,
It is to have your kind attention that the newly developed customer-service database is not up to the desired quality and standard. Since its installation, we have had more problems than solutions. The level of service and technical support provided by your company has not met our expectations. As we are facing problems with quality, we need this to be resolved by you at the earliest.
We are dissatisfied with your services because our employees have been trying to call your company’s tech support department, but, our calls are usually not returned promptly, and sometimes not at all. When we finally manage to contact your tech support department, your software assistant personnel often blames our company’s hardware for the issue; however, our hardware representat...
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