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Confidence Interval Analysis in New York Times Article

Essay Instructions:

a. Find a recent article in the news that uses a confidence interval for its reporting (for example, it states poll results).

b. Determine confidence level.

c. Specify sample size and margin of error.

d. Construct confidence interval estimate.

e. Interpret the confidence interval.

f. Write a brief summary of the article.

g. Include a link to the article.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Confidence Interval Analysis in New York Times ArticleNameInstitutional AffiliationDate
The confidence interval is given range of values by which an accurate figure of the required data lies. Most writings, like newspapers, use this technique in presenting data that has been collected, most of the times from the polls. Statistically, the confidence interval is a method that is used in sampling data from the mass. The key areas to note in using the confidence interval include the determination of the confidence level, sample size, and margin of error, construction of a confidence interval estimate, and interpretation of confidence intervals.
This article chosen in the analysis is titled, ‘How the Poll was Conducted’ from The New York Times dated Nov. 3rd 2016. According to the article, the media in the United States wanted to carry out a poll on how the 2016 polls were conducted. The polls were carried out by SSRS; the Media Pa. 82,000 people showed interest in the polls which were done through telephone interviews in English and Spanish languages. Out of the 82,000, only 1,561, 1,333 were registered voters, were interviewed. After the polls were conducted, there was a need to analyze the data to come up with the confidence interval and level, the sample size and margin of error and also interpret the confidence interval.
The confidence level is the percentage of all of all samples that are projected to include to the true population factor. The total number of people who registered for the interview was 82,000. There was need of reduction for the value since it was so big. The factors put in place for reduction ensured equality in all considerations and above all, equal representation countrywide. After random selection, an estimate 1,561 adults were interviewed, of which 1,333 were registered, voters.
The sample size is the number of character samples in any given study while the margin of the era is valued above and below the ...
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