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Inherent Conflict, Deceptive Advertising, Work Environment, and Shape of Business Ethics

Essay Instructions:

Please answer all questions and please leave them numbered. Thanks.
1. State your opinion as to whether there is an inherent conflict between the need to make profits and the responsibility to conduct business in an ethical manner. Draw upon the above article try to find examples of this apparent conflict of interests. If you were a Marketing executive, what ethical framework would you construct as your own personal guide to avoiding conflicts of interests and developing a marketing strategy with integrity?
2. Do your own research in another area of unethical or deceptive advertising and find an example to link and post to the class discussion. Explain the type of exploitation or unethical practice in advertising that is at play in the ad. Discuss why you think this is an unethical or immoral practice. In addition, give suggestions and edits for improvement of the advertisement to a higher ethical standard.
3. Give your own definition of Corporate Social Responsibility. Why is this so important to business in the 21st Century? How is an organization's reputation affected by their corporate social responsibility activity?
4. Select one of the following industries:
- Banking
- Consumer Products
- Education/University
Imagine you are the organization's Chief Compliance Officer. Identify and list their compliance obligations and the relevant agencies they must report compliance issues to, as well as any annual milestones to which they must adhere. Outline a strategy you would use to develop an organizational compliance culture, including policies, assignment of responsibilities and report preparation.
5. Explain the difference between at-will employment and tenure. What do you think are the pros and cons to at-will employment being implemented in the public sector job market? Is this an ethical change?
6. Discuss factors that contribute to an ethical work environment in the public sector. Do you think these factors are the same or different than in private sector job markets? What do you believe are the reasons for the similarities or differences?
7. What roles do cultural values and learned moral and ethical models play in shaping business ethics? Do you think these types of personal differences can be overcome to develop a universal ethical model for business practices today and in the future?
8. What is opinion leadership? What were major differences between the opinion leaders in the three countries studied? How do the attitudes of these opinion leaders shape business ethics? What can we surmise about leadership and the future of business ethics in the global marketplace from these findings?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Institutional Affiliation:
1 Inherent conflict between the need to make profits and the responsibility to conduct business in an ethical manner
It is significant to ascertain that profit remains the end product of a business entity, an element that can be achieved through an ethical means. According to the article provided, the goal of achieving profits has always been conflicted with ethical practices especially in the field of journalism, an aspect that results in a conflict of interest based in business decision-making(Abela& Murphy, 2008). In this case, it is essential to establish that business organizations have the primary goal of making profits. However, this goals need to adhere to the moral and social obligations in achieving profits, an aspect that depicts the need for ethics in business.
As detailed in the article, the primary reasons for conflicts of interest can be viewed in an instance where individuals are incapacitated to determine the choice of whether to advance their interests or to consider the views of those who depend on them(Abela& Murphy, 2008). The author depicts the need for a fair and balanced value in journalists even when different elements overwhelm values, especially in a case where the interests of individuals outweigh those of the news organization owners that result out of conflicting values on fairness. As a marketing executive, some of the essential ethical frameworks to choose in order to avoid the contrast of interest include the inclusion of fairness and vale in business.
2 Areas of unethical or deceptive advertising and its Examples
Marketing ethics entails approaches aimed at making moral impermissible approaches in marketing goods to vulnerable populations in a manner that does not take advantage of their vulnerability. Unethical and deceptive marketing is considered as a false and illegal approach to marketing that offend the moral principles of marketing as a result of human conduct (Palmer &Hedberg, 2013). An example of this can be seen in the pitching of products and services that the market does not need due to their harmful nature such as cigarettes, diet pills and beauty creams. This approach to marketing remains unethical since the marketers infiltrates the market with products that are harmful (Palmer & Hedberg, 2013). In order to improve the unethical and deceptive marketing approaches, it is essential for an organization to inclusively initiate a subliminal marketing approach that ensures the top spot of unethical marketing is initiated.
3 Definition of Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility entails an organizations attempt aimed at impacting decisions and activities aimed at enhancing the environment and society, through the inclusion of ethical and transparent behaviors that result in sustainable development(Palmer & Hedberg, 2013). In this case, it is essential to consider that the reputation of an organization lies in its involvement in CRS since this initiates and depicts the organizations commitment aimed at promoting the environment and the welfare of the community that it sells its products to.
4 Compliance Obligations and the Relevant Agencies That Banks Report To
In consideration of Banks, it is essential to note that there are regulations that require banks to adhere to certain requirements, guidelines and restrictions, with the aim of establishing market transparency between the consumers and banking institutions they conduct business with(Palmer & Hedberg, 2013). In this case, it is ...
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