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Unethical Business Practices, Management Change, Productivity, and Life-long Learning

Essay Instructions:

Please answer all questions and please leave the numbers to each question. Thanks.
1. What are some examples of unethical conduct that have been in the news lately? How would you categorize these as issues of practices as issues of conflict of interest, fairness and honesty, communications, or business relationships? In your opinion, should businesses be self-regulated or should the federal government establish and enforce ethical behavioral standards? In what way is ethical conduct relative to managing organizational behavior? Who would be the stakeholders?
2. The GE capital case at http://www(dot)gecapital(dot)com/en/pdf/GE_Capital_Overview_Organizational_Culture.pdf, shows the power of aligning culture and corporate goals. What if these are misaligned? What strategies can be undertaken to change organizational culture to allow goal achievement?
3. What are the types of diversity are present in the workforce? What are the impacts of globalization, multiculturalism, and a diverse workforce? What is your experience with these? . Also, diversity is sometimes perceived as a negative, a nuisance. What are positive aspects of having a diverse workforce and what are some of the challenges? What do you learn from listening to people who are unlike you? What about the impacts of people from different careers, educational backgrounds, and knowledge bases coming together to solve organizational problems? What do you conclude about the impacts of diversity?
4. In the HBS blog, Change Management Needs to Change. (Retrieved from http://blogs(dot)hbr(dot)org/ashkenas/2013/04/change-management-needs-to-cha.html), Ashkenas contends:
"As a recognized discipline, change management has been in existence for over half a century. Yet despite the huge investment that companies have made in tools, training, and thousands of books (over 83,000 on Amazon), most studies still show a 60-70% failure rate for organizational change projects — a statistic that has stayed constant from the 1970's to the present.
Given this evidence, is it possible that everything we know about change management is wrong and that we need to go back to the drawing board? Should we abandon Kotter's eight success factors, Blanchard's moving cheese, and everything else we know about engagement, communication, small wins, building the business case, and all of the other elements of the change management framework?
While it might be plausible to conclude that we should rethink the basics, let me suggest an alternative explanation: The content of change management is reasonably correct, but the managerial capacity to implement it has been woefully underdeveloped. In fact, instead of strengthening managers' ability to manage change, we've instead allowed managers to outsource change management to HR specialists and consultants instead of taking accountability themselves — an approach that often doesn't work."
What are your thoughts? What do you think needs to change?
5. In the article, The Challenge of Organizational Learning from Stanford Social Innovation, Milway and Saxton (2011) describe creating a knowledge-sharing process:
In your experience, what are barriers to this process? How could these be overcome to develop knowledge sharing?
6. Write a post on an Organizational Behavior topic of your choice and discuss what you learned from it.
7. Reflect and write about “lifelong learning”, how this course contributes, and what might be a next step in learning

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Organizational culture
Course Instructor
Question 1.
These are examples of unethical businesses practices that have been in the news lately.
i. Violating company policies- Volkswagen one of the world’s leading automobile companies is facing a massive liability as a result of the company’s fraudulently actions to evade emissions standards.
ii. Unlawful act- Citibank had to part with $700 million for financial practices labeled by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
iii. Violation of conscience- The Wells Fargo & Company is facing a lawsuit for setting unrealistic sales targets that have lead employees to adopt fraudulent activities to meet the set sales goals.
I think these ethical issues are based on conflict of interest since leaders and employees were influenced by internal and external forces to act unethically.
I believe that the federal government should establish and enforce ethical behavior. This is because government regulations in the free market have the advantage of ensuring the full force of the law behind all ethical requirement in the corporate realm is upheld (Janna, 2015).
Ethical conduct is important to organizational behavior in the sense that adherence to ethics promotes a rich organizational culture. Leaders who exhibit high ethical standards influence employees to act with loyalty and integrity. In so doing a rich environment is created that describes how internal and external stakeholders interact CITATION Jan15 \l 1033 (Janna , 2015).
Question 2.
Misalignment in the organizational culture can be very costly. The following are some of the steps to align organizational culture:
i. Analyzing the leaders.
It is imperative to assess leaders in efforts to develop and realize a working environment where people work to succeed.
ii. Have a realistic view of the organization.
One needs to evaluate the organization’s current state regarding its weaknesses, strengths as well as opportunities for improvements. It will provide an insight of what it can handle and, thus, influence what to plan based on the knowledge one has.
iii. Plan ahead.
Having a set target guides an organization towards ultimate objectives and goals.
iv. "What if?"
Having a "What if" Scenario will enable one to test how practical the strategic plan is. After testing, one can tweak the organization to create a more reliable and concrete model.
v. Managing and sustaining the progress
One needs to assess, re-plan and re-assess to ensure that each part of the strategic plan is working efficiently (Sisney, 2012).
Question 3.
Diversity encompasses different types of people within a working environment; these include diversity covers, ethnic, gender, cognitive style, education, personality, race, education and personality.
Impacts of globalization, multiculturalism and a diverse workforce involve:
* Employee training
Given the religious, ethnic and cultural diversity, most organizations have implemented training to ...
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