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Feel Better – Circle Of Health Holistic App

Essay Instructions:

My business plan now has 2,000 words and I need to expand it up to 4,500 words. For the executive summary requires more than 500 words, but less than 600 words. Also, expand each part up 1000 words (Description of the Business, Market Overview, Industry Overview, and Business Opportunity). Before starting to expand, please read carefully what I have now. Thank you so much. Write in strict accordance with the requirements in the document.

The document name SBP11 is the document that needs to be expanded. Please complete on time. Thank you so much.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
FEEL BETTER – CIRCLE OF HEALTH APP GROUP 1 MEMBERS BERESFORD SWEENEY DESHAWNE BUNION JONOTHAN OKOYE LAREN HALL ROLLEX MENTORE RUI LU Executive Summary The Feel Better app is holistic, friendly, and easy-to-use app that focuses on an individual’s overall health activities. This includes helping the clients to find good doctors in the area, set sound financial goals, and even set up dining plans for everyone. As of today, the application and the team behind it have already developed key partnerships with private doctors, gym instructors, nutritionists, as well as transportation services (i.e., Uber/Lyft/Juno). Its revenue streams are now focused on subscriptions, co-signing, and in-app purchases which help to make it easier for clients to choose the mode which best suits them. The goal here is to ensure that the clients are comfortable and that they have options instead of making the choice for them. However, while the app itself is already profitable, projections show that dozens of business opportunities should still be pursued. Apparently, there is still a significant portion of potential clients who are either not aware that the app exists or are still skeptical of the app. Thus, increasing brand awareness especially with people who are conscious about their fitness is one of our utmost priorities. While doing this, more health professionals are also being partnered with to expand the professional base of the application itself. As the clientele increases and the strategic marketing strategies are incorporated (i.e., social media marketing, google ads, etc.), further improvements and profitability could be achieved. However, to achieve these goals, funds are needed and one way the team plans to get money is through bank loans. The team acknowledges that it cannot make it alone and needs help to set up a solid foundation. Additional funding from Venture Capitalists would be procured later as the company starts to grow to a nationwide business. Projections do indicate that the company has the potential to grow to the point where additional funding will become crucial to survival. Therefore, a room is left in case the situation described above ever happens. It is always essential to acknowledge and recognize the competition in the market one plans to invade. The truth is, there is indeed stiff competition in every business. However, while the company does has some competition in the fitness technology market, a recent estimate of the mobile fitness app market shows that in 2016 alone, a revenue amounting to 433 million USD was generated CITATION Allnd2 \l 1033 (Allcorrect.com, n.d.). This simply shows that there is wild potential in this market but anyone who wants to share in the spoils must ensure they are ready for any and all challenges. Having identified the competition, we are indeed confident that this app can be a force to reckon with and rival competitors like AliveCor and Fitbit. Our projections are that in 5 years’ time, the Feel Good app will be a major competitor in the fitness app market. Our goal, however, is beyond the obvious and we believe that the Feel Good app will become a household name and people will always associate it with the fitness app market. No one should fail to remember the Feel Good app because it will indeed revolutionize the entire fitness market. We expect challenges as well as obstacles along the way but we believe in ourselves and in the work we have been doing. Everyone is devoted and committed to the company and this we believe will be the main thing that will differentiate us with the rest. Description of the Business The Feel Better – Circle of Health App is a service that provides our clientele base with access to our partners; these partners being private doctors and fitness instructors. Our service therefore acts as a medium for our clientele base to get the possible service/treatment and it also provides to the partners customers that are willing to take on their services. Thus, the partners can easily acquire customers and gain accessibility to a wider range of customer base as it adds on to the daily visits of patients who are not signed in or registered to the App. The customers just have to sign a contract/agreement with us to get access to our user base from where they get to choose the doctors or physician that are best qualified for their particular problem or issues pertaining to the well-being of their health. The business is set to generate revenue through a standard service charge for each client the partners receive through the App in the form of a percentage cut from their normal treatment or consultation charges. On the other hand, customers or rather the users of the App gain easy access to quality service/treatment. A thorough vetting process would be undertaken for all partners willing or ready to enroll with App’s services and seek to maintain quality and standardized services by interacting with users from the patients end through surveys/questionnaires on quality performance. The service will also utilize a ratings system to make it easier for our clients to decide who they want to work with. Our strengths will allow us to rise above our main competitors and to be the ultimate leader in the industry. Our strengths will enable us to satisfy our customers and partners' needs. Our app/service will be through a friendly graphic user interface that is clean and simple but at the same time appealing. This will be one of the first apps around with any notoriety that integrates the medical field with the physical health field. The App achieves the unique task as it gives an individual the opportunity to coordinate their physical/fitness goals in accordance to their medical history. This creates a smooth transition for our customers between two aspects of their life that are intricately connected. We aim to penetrate the market by providing a level of quality to our customers. We will attract our clients through media advertising as well as word of mouth but more of those details will be listed further down in the business plan. We will build up our track record and stake a reputation in the industry surpassing those before us. The business' organizational chart will be pretty much standard; representing a pyramid top to bottom organizational structure. That structure identifies the owners as being at the top of the organizational chart followed by the managers appointed by the owners all the way down to members of staff. The owners will be synonymous to the board of directors and also perform managerial duties to kick start our organization. We believe that our team is capable enough to get the company off the ground and up and running. The business founders include Rollex Mentore, Beresford Sweeney, Deshawne Bunion, Rui Lu, Jonathan Okoye and Laren Hall. The managerial duties will be as follows: Mr. Rollex Mentore will act as the Chief Executive Officer as he provides us with the vision of the organization. It is his creative mind that engineered this idea and we wish to explore this opportunity to its fruition. His resume lists his experiences in the medical field and we all believe that his vision can be realized. Mr. Beresford Sweeney will act as our Chief Management Officer. Mr. Rollex Mentore has the vision and creativity but Mr. Sweeney ensures that the program remains on track and that all deadlines are met. He's also adept at managing individuals (in terms of identifying their talents and skills) and figuring out what is needed for the program to see massive success. Mr. Deshawne Bunion will serve as our Chief Media Officer in conjunction with Mr. Laren Hall (Vice Officer). They are very talented individuals when it comes to selling and innovation. Mr. Bunion is already working on producing his own clothing line with other entrepreneurs in that field. These two individuals will work closely with our Chief Graphics Designer, Rui Lu who is adept at the computer. Finally, our Chief Operations Officer will be Jonothan Okoye who is already experienced in operations as he runs his own small business. He purchases cars here on American soil and sells them abroad to foreigners for a profit. He'll be in charge of running the day to day operations of the firm. At this stage his role here may be minute due to the service nature of our business but as the firm grows then his responsibilities will expand. Additions to our staff will have to include a Chief Financial Officer as that is an important role that needs to be filled. For the moment however, Mr. Sweeney will be in charge of finances until we find suitable candidate to fill that post. That individual will have to have the same drive and enthusiasm that we share towards this company. We will also be in search of software designers, programmers as well as lower level employees. Our company will be legally represented as a limited liability corporation (LLC). The structure enables all the founding members or partners to share in the responsibility of protecting the interests of the business as it offers limited liability protection. Maintenance of the service standards would projects longevity of the business and it is the limited liability feature that would motivate all the founding partners to be more accountable in the delivery of their specific mandates for the business. Despite monitoring the partners and carrying out the regular checks on standards of the quality services provided by the medical professionals, the firm will not be liable to any of the partners’ business challenges which may include among other things, their debts. Thus adopting the limited liability corporation structure for the business serves in the best interests of the primary mission of integrating the medical services with patients through affordable an affordable media platform. Market Overview Both the medical and wellness industry command a lot of customers. This market caters to every single individual who has an interest in their health and physical wellbeing. These individuals even comprise of those who are forced to take better care of themselves due to any ailments, illness or sickness. The industry grew rapidly and future projections seem to encourage that trend continuing. Individuals are presently in an age where society has started to put more attention to being in shape and healthy. In America, the obesity rates are so high and hence public opinion seems to shift in favor of healthcare and fitness centers. Many technological advancements have replaced much of the manual labor that the normal individual would undertake on a regular basis. The easy access to cars and transportation in general have minimized the amount of energy we spend walking. The smartphone and the internet has made things such as online shopping a reality with door-to-door service. Social media has made it easier for friends to talk and hang out without much muscle movement. Technology has benefited us greatly but hindered us in other ways. We plan to use our technology to make efforts in reducing that problem. Like in the other economic industries, healthcare industry is embracing the use of technology applications to enhance its services and their delivery to its ever-present and growing market base. A rapid advancement of technology in the healthcare industry is currently underway and revolutionizing care services such as diagnosis, monitoring, prevention, treatment, as well as the invention and implementation of solutions aiming to strengthen the wellness system. The healthcare technology infrastructure is rapidly improving with cutting-edge improvements and innovations being realized all over the world. A growing demand for monitoring the patient’s progress through remote services is further influencing and fueling the heavy investments made towards the invention and integration of advanced technology in the healthcare industry. Governments around the world are also spearheading campaigns to make sure their citizen have access to medical care irrespective of their geographical disadvantage towards the available medical facilities. Hence, the governments provide favorable business environments for such initiatives with an aim of encouraging such business entities to make investments in mobile healthcare applications to increase accessibility to the important medical services. Consequently, the adoption of technology in the healthcare industry is on a rapid roll as healthcare services such as electronic capturing and filing of medical records, electronic prescribing services and remote monitoring of patients are incorporated into the healthcare industry services. The fact that both the patients and physicians are using or rather are acquainted with the use of smartphone applications further improves the viability of the business opportunity existing in the healthcare industry. The market penetration of the mobile healthcare applications in the developed world stands at 100% and the market cover is projected to increase in the developing world owing to the widespread use of mobile applications and proliferation of smartphone use in these countries. Pilot programs are in store for the healthcare industry and the mobile applications for healthcare services are still growing thus projecting a business growth in the technology aspect at Compound A...
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