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Australian Businesses and Climate Change Mitigation Thesis

Essay Instructions:

just write Two paragraphs which is opening (Thesis) and closing (Reiteration of Thesis) paragraphs(100-150 words per paragraphs.)

1. Paragraph 1: Thesis

(1. Background, 2. Thesis statement, 3. Outline, 4. Significance)

Paragraph 4: Reiteration of Thesis

(1. Summary, 2. Significance, 3. Limitations, 4. Suggestions)

please do the format like this way, also i will upload what you wrote before and feedback when it is available.


MGTS7610: MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION Writing Task 3 Criteria Sheet ASSESSMENT ITEM DETAIL Before and after completing your assignment, carefully review these instructions and the criteria sheet to make sure you have not missed anything. Assessment: Writing Task 3 Type of assessment: Argumentative Genre (opening and closing paragraphs) Learning objective (as published in ECP): L2: Express your opinions clearly by using words and sentence structures efficiently. L3: Make a convincing argument by structuring your ideas coherently and persuasively. Due date and submission: Beginning of Week 6 tutorial (01–05 April 2019), in hard copy to your tutor AND online through Turnitin via Blackboard by 12pm on the same day. Note that similarity reports can take up to 24 hours to be ready. How to submit online: Go to the course site on Blackboard and click on ‘Assessment’ on the left-hand menu. Go to the folder for the assessment item. Inside this folder you will find a Turnitin submission link for which you need to click ‘View/Complete’. Follow the prompts to upload your assignment. Make sure you have successfully uploaded your assignment by reviewing the ‘View/Complete’ button to see your submission again. Your Turnitin Digital Receipt is not your similarity/originality report. Weighting: 5% (5 marks total) Length: Two paragraphs @ 100-150 words per paragraph Formatting requirements: 11pt Calibri font, 1.5-line spacing, normal margins Referencing style: Task Description: This task is designed for you to practise what you have learned in weeks 4 and 5. Compose the opening (Thesis) and closing (Reiteration of Thesis) paragraphs for your Writing Task 2, based on the feedback you received and what you have learned in class. Use complete paragraph structures and arrange the parts of each paragraph in the order shown below: Argumentative genre: 1. Paragraph 1: Thesis (1. Background, 2. Thesis statement, 3. Outline, 4. Significance) 2. Paragraph 2: Argument 1 (1. Topic sentence 2. Elaboration 3. Example 4. Interpretation 5. Explanation [optional] & Link to next paragraph) 3. Paragraph 3: Argument 2 (1. Topic sentence 2. Elaboration 3. Example 4. Interpretation 5. Explanation [optional] & Link to next paragraph) 4. Paragraph 4: Reiteration of Thesis (1. Summary, 2. Significance, 3. Limitations, 4. Suggestions) Academy of Management Journal (AMJ) referencing style MGTS7610: MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION Writing Task 3 Criteria Sheet Note: • You should submit the body paragraphs you wrote for Writing Task 2, along with the opening and closing paragraphs. These will not be re-graded, but they will help your tutor grade your revised opening and closing paragraphs. • Three required sources are listed below for each topic. You may use only the references on these approved lists, and you must all of the sources on the list for your topic (these can be included within your body paragraphs or your opening and closing paragraph). • Do not include references in your Thesis statement and Topic sentences. • All references must be presented in the AMJ referencing style, and your reference list should start on a separate page. Annotation: On your hard copy, highlight your Thesis statement and Topic sentences, and label all parts of your opening and closing paragraphs. Draw arrows connecting: • keywords in the Background to keywords in the Thesis statement and Outline • keywords in your Outline to keywords in your Topic sentences • the last part of each paragraph to the keywords in the Summary in the Reiteration of Thesis paragraph. What to hand in: 1. In class: your hard copy assignment (stapled together) containing the following in order: • Cover sheet filled in correctly (see p.3) • Your argumentative writing that has been labelled and highlighted appropriately • Your similarity report from Turnitin (see p.4) • Writing task 3 criteria sheet filled out correctly (see p.2) Without any of the above, your assignment is incomplete, and marks will be deducted per calendar day late (please see your ECP for full assessment policies) 2. Blackboard (via Turnitin): your soft copy assignment, containing • Your argumentative writing Don’t forget to highlight, label, and draw arrows on your assignment MGTS7610: MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION Writing Task 3 Criteria Sheet How to fill out your criteria sheet: Make sure you fill in both yours and your tutor’s name. How to fill out your cover sheet your lecturer’s name MGTS7610: MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION Writing Task 3 Criteria Sheet How to find your Similarity (or Originality) Report from Turnitin: NOTE: similarity reports can take up to 24 hours to be ready. Allow plenty of time so that your hardcopy submission is complete. 1. Once you have successfully submitted your assignment, you can review it on Turnitin by going back to the submission link and clicking ‘View/Complete’. Note that a Turnitin Digital Receipt is not a Similarity Report. 2. Follow the prompts to see your own submission. Your submission will appear something like the following: 3. To see your similarity score, you need to click on the number in red in the right column. If your score reads ‘0’, it is unlikely the similarity report has fully generated (it is highly unlikely that any assignment has 0%). 4. Once you have clicked on the red number you will see your assignment with your similarity presented. 5. Highlighting means that the expression has not been paraphrased. If you see any large amounts of highlighting, you should review your assignment to make sure you have adequately referenced and paraphrased. MGTS7610: MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION Writing Task 3 Criteria Sheet 6. To download a copy of your similarity report, click on the grey download button that appears towards the bottom of the menu items. 7. You will be presented with a few options here: 8. Choose ‘Current View’ to download the similarity report. NOTE: You must have the similarity report open on the screen (by having clicked on the red number) to download the similarity report. 9. When you click to download you will receive a PDF document. This is your similarity report. This report will contain a cover page, your assignment submission highlighted and your summary percentages. This whole report is required for your assessment submission. Further help The UQ Library has developed videos and articles to help you in your assignment submission process. • Submit your assignment - https://web(dot)library(dot)uq(dot)edu(dot)au/node/1921/0#0 • Upload your assignment - https://web(dot)library(dot)uq(dot)edu(dot)au/node/1921/1#1 • Review and submit your assignment - https://web(dot)library(dot)uq(dot)edu(dot)au/node/1921/2#2 • Confirm your submission - https://web(dot)library(dot)uq(dot)edu(dot)au/node/1921/3#3 • View originality report and marks - https://web(dot)library(dot)uq(dot)edu(dot)au/libraryservices/it/learnuq-blackboard-help/learnuq-assessment/turnitin-assignments/vieworiginality-report-and-marks MGTS7610: MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION Writing Task 3 Criteria Sheet Name:______________________________________ Marks:_______________ Tutor:______________________________________ Criteria Writing techniques Level of achievement 1 0.5 0 Genre (purpose and structure of the opening paragraph) Consists of 4 parts: 1.Background 2.Thesis statement 3.Outline of paper 4.Significance Background in the opening paragraph is relevant and concise, providing some understanding and justification for the topic. Thesis statement clearly signals the purpose of the paper, and the outline reflects the order of the topic sentences. Significance of the research is clearly stated. Background is irrelevant, the purpose of the paper is unclear, the outline does not reflect the structure, or the positioning of the research is inappropriate. Part of the opening paragraph is missing or not in the correct sequence. Genre (purpose and structure of the closing paragraph) Consists of 4 parts: 1.Summary 2.Significance 3.Limitations 4.Suggestions Concluding paragraph summarizes the findings in each paragraph. Significance of the findings is highlighted. Limitations and some suggestions are provided for further research or applications. Some findings are left out of the summary, or they are irrelevant to the significance and suggestions in the concluding paragraph. Part of the concluding paragraph is missing or not in the correct sequence. Discourse semantics (cohesion) Lexical ties and the known-new arrangement Appropriate lexical ties are used to effectively link sentences and paragraphs. Paragraphs are developed using appropriate links between known and new information. Some evidence of an attempt to provide links between sentences and paragraphs, but lexical ties are inappropriately used. General lack of lexical ties between sentences, and sentences seem disconnected. Lexicogrammar (grammar and vocabulary) Sentence structure and clear style Sentences start with important information, and follow Standard English conventions with minimal errors. Word choices and sentence structures are clear and easy to understand. Sentences follow Standard English conventions with some systematic errors. Sentences and wordings are unnecessarily complicated and ambiguous. Frequent misuse of words, and sentences are badly phrased, making their meaning very difficult to understand. (Student must see Student Services for additional support.) Graphology (spelling and presentation) Formatting, spelling and reference list Documents are properly completed, follow formatting guidelines and spellchecked. Reference list is complete and formatted according to APA style. Documents and reference list generally follow formatting guidelines with some minor inconsistencies in the details. Documents are incomplete or ignores formatting guidelines. The reference list consistently fails to follow the APA style. Comments:

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Australian Businesses and Climate Change Mitigation Thesis
As big brands and major oil and gas companies stimulate their production, they cause undue stress on the climate of the environment. This has been a source of conflict between these companies and the government, which signals the need to revisit how these companies impact the environment and what can be done about it (Dauvergne & Lister, 2013). In Australia, businesses should be made to take responsibility for mitigating the effects of climate change, which they cause through their activities. The culture of consumerism, driven by corporate bigwigs, has been a constant stimulant of climate change in Australia over the past 25 years (Goldenberg, 2013). It is critical that the effects of this corporate culture, as witnessed through climate change, are mitigated by those responsible for causing them; big businesses. By having these companies take responsibility for their actions, the climate is not only likely to improve, but even small businesses will begin to take responsibility over their jurisdictions in managing climate change in Australia.
Businesses in Australia must be mad...
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