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The Monkeypox Virus

Essay Instructions:

*Short Essay Guidelines :

For each assigned reading, write an essay of ~750 words (maximum 1000 words)----> summarizing the reading.

Your response paper should include:

1) the main message of the reading,

2) an overview/explanation of the biological concepts being described (e.g., underlying biological mechanisms of the public health problem),

3) the scope of the public health problem, including 1 – 2 sentences on outlook (i.e., implications for further research, intervention, or public health policy).

The use of 2 – 3 outside sources to support---> your points is required.

you MUST reference all sources –>using AMA format (superscripted numbers in-text and then the list of corresponding numbered references at the end of the text).


 Approximately 750 words; maximum of 1000 words

 12-point Times New Roman font; standard margins (1-inch); double-spaced

Recommended Structure:

Introduction: Scope of the Public Health Problem (approximately 1 paragraph).

 Provide a basic description of the public health problem that is the focus of the article

 Why are we concerned with it? For example,

o How many people have the public health problem (prevalence data)?

o What are the negative societal, health, or economic outcomes associated with the

public health problem?

Overview of Biological Concepts (approximately 1 paragraph)

 Provide an overview/explanation of the biological concepts being described (e.g., underlying biological mechanisms of the disease or condition that is the focus of the article).

Main Message of the Reading (approximately 2 paragraphs)

 Start by introducing the reading.

 Describe the main message(s) of the reading.

o Provide an example or expand on one point or section of the reading.

Outlook (approximately 1 paragraph)

 Describe the implications for future research, intervention, or public health policy.

Conclusion (approximately 1 paragraph)

 Briefly summarize the essay.

References (section at the end of the paper)

 AMA Style

o List “References” at the end of the paper o Numerical order

o Single spaced

 Example:

1. Slavin JL, Jacobs D, Marquart L, et al. The role of whole grains in disease prevention. J Am Diet Assoc. 2001;101:780-785.

 In-Text Citations

o Cite each reference in text (sequentially in the order that they appear) using superscript Arabic numerals.

o The numbers should be placed outside periods and commas but inside colons and semicolons.

o Can cite multiple references at once.

 Sequential references should be indicated with a hyphen.

 Nonsequential references should be separated with commas.

 Do not include spaces between numbers

 Example:

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States.1-3 Risk factors for cardiovascular disease include smoking,4 physical inactivity,2,5 and elevated LDL.1

General Tips

 Follow the instructions. Include all required components.

 Write short sentences.

 Paraphrase information when possible. Use direct quotes only when they’ll be particularly effective at communicating the information.

 Keep one idea to one paragraph.

 Review the organization of the whole essay, sections, and paragraphs.

 Read the essay out loud to help spot mistakes.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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November 10, 2022
Article Summary – The Monkeypox Virus
Monkeypox, a new virus that originated from a non-human species, poses a threat to the pandemic that previously occurred. It can spread through direct or indirect contact with an infected animal or person, as well as through the use of objects that have been touched by an infected person or animal, much like the COVID-19 virus. As a result of its initial discovery in a colony of monkeys used in medical research, the disease is known as Monkeypox. Fever, chills, headaches, muscle pains, backaches, and exhaustion are just a few of the symptoms of the aforementioned illness. Most likely, each of these symptoms will appear alone or simultaneously with another. The rodents that roam the nation's tropical forest are the most well-known carriers of the virus, which originates in Africa1.
Overview of Biological Concepts
The World Health Organization is on high alert to prevent a repeat of the pandemic caused by this virus and is taking preventative measures and taking action to stop the spread of the virus. The previous pandemic, which wrecked global logistics and parcel and package shipments, cannot happen again. Additionally, public fear should be kept in check, and people should maintain their composure because the government does not want to incite panic among its citizens. The spread of viruses like the Monkeypox virus, which behaves similarly to COVID-19 in the form of spread, occurs as activity in the entire world returns to normal2.
Main Message of the Reading
Current government medical research for better vaccination of Monkeypox in order to target that specific virus. Because Monkeypox is very similar to smallpox that has already been eradicated, getting an anti-virus for smallpox can help the prevention of attaining the Monkeypox virus. The antiviral drug Tecovirimat (TPOXX) has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of smallpox in both adults and children. Smallpox medications can be used to treat Monkeypox. However, the vaccine is only advised for people who have the disease severity or who are at high risk of getting it, such as those with weakened immune systems, eczema, or HIV that is not virally suppressed3.
The Monkeypox virus can be fatal, but it also depends on the patient's immune system and the infection's severity. A mortality rate of 0.04 percent, or at least 22 deaths out of the more than 57,000 confirmed cases of Monkeypox, is much lower than the 1-3% that has been recorded during outbreaks. As was previously said, the Monkeypox virus is identical to the smallpox virus. Hence those who have received the smallpox vaccine are most likely immune to any Monkeypox v...
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