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Based Assessment : Voice Class Problem

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Please write approximately 1.5 line space, one page for part 1,2,3. No need to do the self reflection.

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Voice Class Problem
* Breathing and Starting the Tone: "Winter Wonderland" 
Brandy and Susie, today, I will highlight to you the relationship between breathing and singing. Both of you share almost the same problem where you use a lot of breath to sing. Even though breathing is considered one of the critical skills in singing, breathing skills and techniques don't seem to cure all the singing problems. Contrary, urging you to use a lot of air makes things even worse. For Brandy, you seem to lack the vocal cord closure and resistance, which makes you run out of the air, thus squeezing your abs to become loud. Your abs will find it difficult to accommodate the strength you are putting it to gain your sound at the top. It would be best if you considered efficiently using the air you breathe in.
In a typical speech, your vocal fold, which consists of the two groups of even muscle tissue located in the larynx, also known as the voice cord, relentlessly vibrates to produce a sound. You have to use closer muscle to bring your cords (vocal fold), which allows air from your lungs to pass through while the vocal folds vibrate in an efficient way.  
Again what opposes coordination to singing is exhalation. In case your opener muscles (muscles associated with opening the jaw) split your vocal fold in two ways, the air becomes free to pass from your lungs in this opening and out through your mouth. Often it becomes excellent for breathing but worse for singing. 
Susie seems to struggle singing but becomes breathy no matter how louder she sings. Well, your vocal cords seem to close sufficiently to produce a sound but are not enough to discourage extra air from leaking. Your cord is not resisting the air adequately to create a clean and clear tone. Instead, you find yourself sounding breathy. For you to get enough sound from your loosely sealed vocal fold, you have to push out the excessive air (Jiang, 2018). With so much leaking, you will deplete air quickly no matter the considerable breath you took before. I will encourage you to take Humming Warm-up to allow you to hum and down while you keep your mouth closed. Every note should sound "hmmm," including "h."
* Phonation and Registration: "The Noisy Neighbor"
Dr. Rodriguez, let me start by telling you that a vocal register is an array of tones found in the human voice, usually made by specific vibratory designs of the vocal folds. Vocal registers include vocal fry, which is the lowest tone of your voice. Vocal fry is known for its deep, creaky, and breathy voice. Using vocal fry means you have to ease your vocal folds without increasing the amount of air you are passing through your vocal cords because it makes slower vibrations resulting in creaky sounds. Secondly, the said register consist of the modal voice, which is the standard voice.
Another tone is the whistle register, which is the highest tone of the human voice. The whistle register is located above the falsetto register and the modal register. Every register here reflects within a specific range of pitch, which makes certain characteristics of sound. Each register stands to play a critical role ...
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