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Visual & Performing Arts
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ANTHONY CIARAMITARO: Voice class virtual concert review

Essay Instructions:

Write a concert review. See the following guidelines:

Solo: The performance must feature, or be mostly comprised of solo, (not group or choral) vocal music.

Professional: Singers must either be professional themselves, or in training with a professional;

Repertoire: Students should view concerts which feature music out of their comfort zone. One of the concerts must be of a “classical” nature.

Credit: To earn course credit, upload your written review of both performances to Blackboard, along with a scanned ticket stub or printed program.

Written Reviews: Concert reviews must follow the rubric below:

Be typed (not hand written) using a 12pt font 1.5 spaced.

Use terminology as discussed in class

Be objective and not framed by “I liked/I didn’t like” statements.

Be proofread and free of spelling and grammatical errors. Grammar, spelling, and composition will be taken into consideration during grading.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Anthony Ciaramitaro is a tenor vocalist who has prepared for his show which he collaborated with Ben Malensek, a pianist. The musical is entitled The Anonymous Lover last November 14, 2020, Saturday. The musical or recital which Anthony Ciaramitaro performed was being composed also with a variety of vocals like Joseph Bologne and Chevalier de Saint-Gorges to create or produce a full songs recital; this means that aside from Anthony Ciaramitaro being a tenor, his colleagues’ can make it to a full song recital. As Anthony Ciaramitaro practiced for the final recital, he possessed good diction and intonation. It was evident in his voice how he has a strong point in Glottal Onset, it was evident when he started to a large tone of voice. I could see that the story of The Anonymous Lover has a sense of romance and suspense; thus, the tenor young vocalist portrayed a good Glottal Onset. Although it was not that oblivious of Anthony using Breathy Onset the vocalist did a smooth transition from Glottal to a little of Breathy or what is called the coordinated onset.
For the fact that Anthony is tenor, it was emphasized in the practice that he was particular in the formation of his mouth. Since he has a loud and bold voice, the singing of the songs assigned to him must be observed with proper breathing to attain the best diction and intonation. It was overwhelming and calming to hear the voice of Anthony together with the piano as it complements both rhythms. When Anthony sings, he observed properly the opening of his vocal tracts like how he formed his mouth when he sings. Another also is the smooth transition of his voices from low, moderate to high; Anthony and the pianist had worked together during the practice recital because the good blending and timing of the two sounds were collaborative and well-practiced. Evidence of how Anthony Ciaramitaro was enjoying the practice is a good portra...
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