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Shifting Dreams: Evolving Desires Across Time

Essay Instructions:

Purpose - The purpose of this assignment is to look closely at, to think criticallyabout, to re-imagine and re-create one work of art from our textbook throughyourown personal, modern point of view.

Skills - After doing this assignment you will be able to:

• Understand and summarize the symbols, composition, and/or cultural values present in a work of art

• Analyze and create your own tableau vivant by updating a workof art from the past

• Consider how objects, poses, clothing, and other visual symbolsconvey certain concepts or broader social statements

Knowledge - After doing this assignment you will understand:

• How to identify the values present in a visual artwork

• Reflect your own point of view through the art of re-creation

Task - To complete this assignment you should:

1. Select one work of art that meets the following requirements:

) Is from our A World of Art textbook, and

b) Has one or more people as the subject matter

i. Your tableau vivant can include you alone, or

ii. You may recruit friends or family to pose as additional peopledepicted in your selected artwork

c) Is NOT [Fig. 9-2] from the text as this was the in-class example

2. Spend some time looking closely at your chosen artwork. You will select what you feel are the key aspects needed to convey the artwork throughyour original tableau vivant re-creation.

a) What is the setting or background? ART 1309 - Applied Learning Assignment #3Make your own Tableau Vivant, or “Living Picture”  Worth 100 points and 6.7% of your Overall Course Grade

b) Are there important symbols included in this work?

c) Is there a story being told?

d) What is the larger message, meaning, or theme of this artwork?

e) Note facial expressions, clothing, poses, and any other specific, relevant details. (This is what you will attempt to mimic inyouroriginal creation.)

f) Consider the details that make this work of art distinctly fromaparticular time and/or place. (This is what you will focusonpersonalizing or modernizing.)

3. Create your own, original tableau vivant inspired by your selectedartwork.

a) Use whatever props, make up, and lighting effects you haveavailableto you ... be creative!

b) Take a photograph in an attempt to recreate as closely as possiblethe original artwork’s composition and appearance, AND

c) Update the meaning by adding your own personal and/or modernsymbols, objects, setting, or theme

4. In 150 words or less, use your own words to summarize the original cultural context of your textbook artwork.

a) What time period and place does this work come from?

b) How can we see that reflected in the details of the artwork?c) Be sure to identify your textbook work of art selection by artist name, artwork title, date, and figure number.

5. In another 150 words or less, use your own words to summarizehowyouhave updated and personalized the textbook work of art in your tableauvivant.

a) What makes your tableau vivant personal or unique to you?

b) Discuss any details added that have updated the scene fromaworkthat reflects a time in the past to an image relevant to our contemporary world.

6. Keep in mind:

a) Think about the appropriateness of what is in the backgroundof yourtableau vivant.

b) Be clear.

c) Be careful not to reverse the directions of your poses.

d) Be recognizable -- You will include a copy of the original artworkwithyour tableau vivant, but your re-creation should be so accuratethat I can easily recognize it.

e) Make it modern -- the updates you make in your tableau vivant should reflect your personal identity and/or our contemporary world

f) Attention to detail is important

g) No naked bodies. I shouldn’t have to say this, but I am. Don’t doit.

Criteria - Successful assignment submission will include writing + 2 images:

• A typed submission of approximately 250-300 words, double-spaced, 12-point font

• Two images:

 A copy of your chosen textbook artwork identified withartist, title, date, and figure number, and

 A photograph of your original tableau vivant

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Shifting Dreams: Evolving Desires Across Time

Original Work

This work is a chromogenic print produced by the artist Cindy Sherman in 1981. This print is entitled Untitled #90 and is currently on display in The Art Institute of Chicago. In the textbook, this is displayed as Figure 11-38. The subject of the work is wearing a purple robe and lying on a tan leather couch with her ams nearly crossed while sadly looking at a telephone. The subject is illuminated slightly by a pointed light which seems like it’s coming from an open window in the morning, or a light from a lamp inside a dark room. This is apparent by the darkness and shadow the objects are casting, and most predominantly, the shadow casted by the throw pillow. The pillow was dark-colored, and the shadow suggests that the light source is limited.

The subject’s expression is a look of sadness and longing, as if expecting something from a telephone, specifically a phone call. The time period is reflected in the objects within the work, primarily the style of the dress, the subject’s hairstyle, and most obviously, the traditional telephone. Meanwhile, the work does not give specific

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