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2 pages/≈550 words
Visual & Performing Arts
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 7.2

A Circus Called Life: Symbolism in a Spectacle of Chaos

Essay Instructions:

Purpose - The purpose of this assignment is to complete an experiential learning project involving the local art community.

Skills - After doing this assignment you will be able to:

 View and describe a visual object

 Apply the terminology of visual analysis

 Analyze form and meaning of a work of art

 Identify and discuss the role of context in viewing art in-personKnowledge - After doing this assignment you will understand:

 How to construct an interpretation of visual art and support it withyour observations

 How to make connections between a publicly exhibitedworkof art and its surroundings

 How viewing an artwork in person is different than viewingareproduction of that same artwork For this assignment, you will choose a work of art to view in person in order todescribe and analyze its visual form. You will conduct a formal analysisupon the work including a consideration of its art elements and principles. Additionally, you will demonstrate visual literacy by writing about the experience of viewing an artwork in person, thinking about it critically, andusing the vocabulary/terms learned in this class. Enjoy yourself andkeepanopen mind!

Task - To complete this assignment you should:

1. Make a plan to visit, in-person, one or more the the approvedlocal art venues. (See list of approved venues on the “Gallery List” below.)

2. Choose an artwork.

a) Visit one of more of the approved local art venues listed below and select one work of art currently on exhibit.

b) Spend some time looking around first before choosing your paper topic. Take ample time to look at the artwork in detail.

c) You need to see the object in person in order to take notesandyour own photographs of the piece. d) You must choose an artwork from one of the locations from the Gallery List below.

Papers discussing works that aredisplayed at other locations, regardless whether in or outsideof Lubbock, will receive 0 pts.

3. Take a photograph of you and your chosen artwork.

a) The photograph needs to show you in front of or alongsideyour chosen work.

b) Make sure the whole work is clearly visible and identifiable.

c) Keep in mind, each artwork in the list of approved galleries ispart of a temporary exhibition. Look at the dates of the exhibitsandmake sure you can visit your piece as often as you need tobeforethe exhibit closes.

d) Include one or more of your photographs in your assignment submission. If you are not included in the photographalongside the artwork, your paper will receive 0 pts.

4. Organize your ideas.

a) Examine the work and its surroundings carefully, and makenoteson the issues outlined below, before synthesizing the material intoa paper. The more you look carefully, the more you will see.

b) Consider asking a friend to go with you to the site and discusstheform of the work with them (or, simply pretend you are speakingto somebody as you plan your writing).

c) Your paper need to be written by you only to prevent collusionasan act of academic dishonesty. d) This assignment is based on visual observation, not intuitionor research! This course is teaching you how to look at art andhowto analyze it. No outside research sources needed.

5. Identify the characteristics of the work.

a) Look for a wall label and write down the information provided.

b) Include the artist’s name, the artwork’s title, date, and dimensions(approximate if not given; e.g. approximately 15” x 17”, etc.), aswell as the work’s medium (painting, photography, mixedmedia, etc.)

c) Place this information in full sentence, essay format the beginningof your paper.

6. Describe the Subject Matter and Composition

a) Define the subject matter of the work; i.e., describe what youseeand what is happening in the work.

b) Describe the composition (visual organization) of the work

i. What are the basic components/images/figures of thecomposition?

ii. How are they arranged, and how do they relate to eachother spatially within the work?

iii. Is there a central figure or element? How do you know?Isthe composition rather chaotic, decentralized, and dispersed?Or is it clearly structured and organized? Explain.

iv. Create a clear, logical order to your description. 7. Analyze the Visual Fundamentals (Elements and Principles)

a) Identify at least one Element of Art employed by the artist that plays an important role in the artwork.

b) Identify at least one Principle of Design employed by theartist that plays an important role in the artwork.

c) See Visual Fundamentals Quick Guide document on Blackboardfor a “road map” of questions to consider when identifyingandanalyzing a work’s Elements and Principles.

8. Analyze the Meaning and Personal Experience

a) Meaning: The title of the work and the wall label may give youaclue as to what the intended message of the work is but useyour own analytical skills and observations to come upwithapossible meaning or interpretation of the artwork.

i. Why was this artwork created?

ii. What is the larger meaning or message intended by the artist?

iii. How do the visual features of the work you’ve describedcreate that meaning?

Note: It’s OK to express your personal thought and opinion. No outside research required! Don’t be concerned whether theinterpretation you’ve come up with is “right” or “wrong,” just makesure you can support your statements with visual proof - i.e., withdetails you’ve observed in the artwork.

b) Experience: Discuss the in-person viewing of this artwork.

i. How does viewing a work of art in-person differ fromviewinga reproduction of the artwork in a book or in another source?

ii. How did seeing the work in person help you appreciateitsvisual form and understand its meaning better?

iii. What is the relationship, if any, between this work andtheones alongside it as part of the larger exhibition?

Criteria - Successful assignment submission will include:

 Required format: 500 - 750 words plus cover page, typed, 12 pt font, double-spaced, one-inch margins. Full sentences only.

 Photograph of you in front of your chosen artwork on the cover page. Papers with no image, or image not including student, will receive0 pts.

 Cover page following the template provided on Bb.

 Description including subject matter and composition.

 Analysis of Visual Fundamentals

 Analysis of Meaning and Personal Experience

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Symbolism In A Spectacle Of Chaos


Symbolism In A Spectacle Of Chaos

Upon viewing Mamar Razmgir's artwork "A Circus Called Life," the vivid and captivating imagery immediately strikes one on the canvas. The artwork's composition draws the viewer in, inviting contemplation and exploration of the intricate elements and the deeper meaning.

Subject Matter and Composition

The artwork's subject matter is a chaotic and bustling circus, a visual metaphor for the complexities of life. It is a world where seemingly unrelated elements come together in a surreal and vivid spectacle. Within this circus is a microcosm of existence, where myriad seemingly unrelated elements harmoniously coexist in a surreal and vivid spectacle. Within this complex and multifarious scene, one can discern acrobats defying gravity, clowns with painted smiles that conceal their inner complexities, animals poised on the precipice of performance, tightrope walkers navigating the delicate balance of existence, and whimsical carnival rides that transport us through the ups and downs of life's unpredictable journey. Every inch 

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