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Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Space Exploration

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Research about how will the AI technology impact the space exploration.

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Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Space Exploration
Over the recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has played a significant role in space exploration. Among the documented roles include locating planetary data and identifying the distant galaxies(Chien and Morris). Scientists also improvised AI in spacecraft and telescopes to assist astronautsin exploring more about space. Today, researchers are using AI in many ways for space exploration. AI robots are impacting space exploration by enabling scientists to explore distant planets, moons, and steroids. These autonomous explorers will more efficiently and cost-effectively collect information about objects not accessible from Earth or closer orbit around the planets. Deep-learning algorithms will also help in understanding the surfaces present on small bodies. This technology will allow scientists to identify resources like minerals, water ice, or evidence of life before sending humans into riskyenvironments. While human astronauts were the first to visit the moon, scientists are increasingly turning toward AI to approach space exploration in new and empowering ways. With the ability of AI algorithms to learn quickly, the breakthroughs in this space have already started to offer new opportunities for space exploration. This essay highlights how AI will impact space exploration as a central idea, focusing on space missions, astronaut assistants, autonomous navigation and maneuvering, space debris, system monitoring, and satellite and spacecraft manufacturing.
Artificial Intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence in machines to make them act more intelligently. Machine Learning (ML) is an AI branch that focuses on training machines to acquire intelligence they can use to perform complex tasks with minimal human intervention. AI and ML have had a transformative impact on numerous fields and industries whey they aided in automating and optimizing processes and establishing new business opportunities(Chien and Morris 6). Today, the rapid breakthrough of technology has allowed for the application of AI into space. Many companies such as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and Google have adopted AI to help conduct space research about alien existentialism and stream the astronauts' jobs in space(Gao and Chien 1514). Further studies show that astronauts mostly rely on AI to accomplish space missions that would be unthinkable if they depended on human resources and capabilities(Girimonte and Izzo 235). Indeed, this advanced technology has proven its great potential as a game-changer in space exploration, including charting unmarked galaxies, stars, block holes, and studying cosmic events(He 1578). It has also proven its worth in space communication, monitoring and system control, and autonomous aircraft navigation. Currently, scientists have developed AI-powered, empathetic robot assistants that help astronomers in their long space travel. These robots understand and predict the crew's needs and comprehend astronauts' emotions(Izzo et al. 287). This essay analyzes how AI will impact space exploration.
HowArtificial Intelligence will Impact the Space Exploration
The past few decades have been accompanied by increased space activities due to technological advancement that has influenced many scientists to explore space (Soroka and Kurkova 133). Contemporary space communication systems utilize advanced technologies to support space missions. Thanks to AI and ML because satellites can now manage these communication systems and make independent decisions in real-time. Based on AI, experts have designed cognitive technologiesto increase the efficiency of communication networks and the sustainability of space explorations(Kim et al. 215). Soroka and Kurkova (131) noted that a cognitive radio would address emerging space issues like electromagnetic radiation emitted by the sun and other extraterrestrial bodies with noise, interrupting communication frequencies.
Soroka and Kurkova (133)explained that through AI, cognitive radio applications wouldconveyinformation beyond the interference range and eradicate distortions within the range. For instance, a Mars rover — an automated motor vehicle traveling across Mars — takes up to 24 minutes to transmit the signal between the two planes in one direction(Soroka and Kurkova 133). Since it is a long time for making decisions, experts are increasingly developing space robots to make decisions themselves.
Scientists initially programmed robots to control some onboard systems like power consumption(Kostavelis 109). Today, AI enables automated robots like Mars rovers to collect and analyze scientific data and relay the information back to Earth without human involvement(Soroka and Kurkova 133). Since May 2016, the curiosity rover has undergoneNASA's to validate its ability to explore Mars(Soroka and Kurkova 133). They originally designed a system known as Autonomous Exploration for Gathering Increased Science (AEGIS) to help Mars rover identify and take pictures of boulders(Soroka and Kurkova 134). These developments, alongside others, shed light on the future of AI in space exploration. Scientists are confident that AI will play a vital role in solving space mysteries in the future(Petrescu 18). There are numerous ways AI will impact space explorations.
Firstly, AI will increase the efficiency of astronaut’s work by acting as astronaut assistants. This possibility is potrayed in the movie, Interstellar:- one of the few works that provide insight into the future of AI in space exploration. This film portrayed Tars and Case as the assistant robots that helped the researchers to study the existence of life on other planets. Although these robots do not exist yet for actual space missions, scientists are developing something similar that will help astronauts explore space while alleviating some of the severe physical and psychological strains they endure in space(Kumar and Tomar 499). These assistants will follow the space crew closely, understand their needs, and evaluate their emotions. A recently developed virtual assistant will potentially detect any dangers in lengthy space missions like changes in the spacecraft atmospherecaused by increased carbon dioxide or a sensor malfunction that could be harmful(Kryuchkov et al. 139). It will then alert the crew with suggestions for inspections.
In December 2019, scientists flew an AI assistant known as Cimon to the international space station (ISS), where it is being tested for three years(Soroka and Kurkova134). There are high expectations that Cimon will be used to reduce astronauts' stress by doing tasks they ask it to perform(Soroka and Kurkova 134). Astronauts who go for an extended mission face communication delays that prevent mission control from offering urgent support during emergencies (Chien and Morris 4).
Cimon will get rid of these problems by acting like an astronaut's personal assistant, given that they can find information quickly (Soroka and Kurkova 134). For instance, suppose the scientist is working on a project at ISS, and they want to inquire about the project. It implies the person would stop their operation so that they can look for the information before getting back to the experiment station(Soroka and Kurkova 134). The robot will eliminate all this work by locating the information needed by the scientist. NASA is also creating a companion for an astronaut aboard the ISS, called Robonaut, which will work alongside the astronauts to perform risky tasks.
Intelligent space robots are taking on more complex and risky tasks for astronauts. For example, NASA's Parker Solar Probe will explore the sun's atmospheric corona with exceptional intimacy(Patel 3). The probe is programmed to withstand heat levels of up to 1350oC as it flieswithin 6.5 million miles from the sun – closer than any artificial object in history(Gao and Chien 1601).
Secondly, AI will facilitate mission planning and operations in space. Gao and Chien 1519 noted that Current space exploration missions rely on AI capabilities to make the mission successful and secure. The Entry, Descent, and Landing (EDL) flight dynamics team relied largely on AI technology to plan for the mission and schedule complex systems. It is this reliance that enabled them to accomplish the perseverance mission (He 1581). Engineers and mission experts regard scheduling as a domain that allows for the application of AI methods because of theconvoluted planning associated with these systems(Hu 14). Without AI, mission scheduling needs many people to work extra hours to accomplish mission requirements. However, AI alleviates the need for human resources since the programmed spacecraft can intelligently execute a command(Girimonte and Izzo 239). During mission operations, AI will help in evaluating safety-critical missions and conducting operational risk analysis. This technology activates risk mitigation systems by processing enormous data (Izzo et al. 289).
Thirdly, AI will improve the processing of satellite images. Kim et al. (313) highlighted that Earth observation satellites produce enormous amounts of data. According to European Space Agency (ESA), contemporary satellites provide over 150 terabytes of data per day (Kim et al. 313). AI will process and analyze large amounts of raw data to all...
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