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Next-Generation Genomics, Energy Storage, and 3-D Printing

Essay Instructions:

Using the readings you have done and your own experiences, discuss our book chapters seven, eight, and nine, on pages 61 to 85 and the related videos.
Describe how you would explain each of these three technologies to either a ten year old child, or to a supervisor at work, or to a close friend. Consider each technology's impact, its economic value, its potential to be disruptive locally (where you live) and globally from our book chapters and the videos. Please indicate who your explanation is directed to.
Title: Next-generation genomics explained to ____
- Impact - what is this technology and what does it do
- Economic impact - its approximate cost to purchase and impact on jobs
- Potential to disrupt, locally and globally - how is this technology disrupting your company, or the area you live and its global impact
- Overall benefits and drawbacks
Title: Energy storage explained to ____
- Use the same above topics here
Title: 3-D printing explained to ____
- Use the same above topics here
- For 3-D printing: include ideas from any two of the three listed videos. Name the videos.
Introduction to Next Generation Sequencing
The Future Of Energy Storage Beyond Lithium Ion
3D Printing Basics! (Ep1)
3D Printing Is Changing the World
The Ultimate List of What We Can 3D Print in Healthcare - The Medical Futurist
Next-generation genomics explained to a 10-year old child
Impact: Next-generation genomics is a systematic way to decode DNA. When the DNA is decoded, scientists are able retrieve information about what is in the DNA of organisms. This will help scientists to understand, predict, prevent and treat diseases for many because once they know what the diseases are made from and how they react when treated by drugs, in combination with an individual’s DNA, they can be more precise.
It also has the potential to improve farming because discovering the DNA of plats/crops, scientists can test and discover soil and other contributors that give the crops the best results for growing successfully.
Economic Impact:
The economic impact of next-generation genomics locally and globally is that individuals in the communities can benefit from better medical treatment, saving medical costs for insurance, trial treatments and misdiagnosis. Some insurance companies could also be impacted if members do not receive services as much and often. Next-generation genomics has the potential to disrupt trail and research programs that may be obsolete because of the opportunities to identify better treatment. This new technology, if adopted more broadly, also could introduce the need to improve/enhance physician’s understanding of the software.
Potential to disrupt: Also, many people around the world could benefit from better medical treatment and disease prevention. If these happen, expected impact will be the expansion of the average human lifespan. By expanding the average lifespan, the global economy will also benefit from lower costs
Overall benefits and drawbacks: The benefits are that scientists will be able to better identify and prevent diseases and the right treatment.
Energy storage explained to a ten year old child
Energy storage is the ability to take energy and convert it so that it can be stored and saved for a later time. An example of this is to save up energy when there is daylight because it is not needed as much, then use that energy to light the nighttime. Energy that is stored can be used in other, new places.
Impact: The impact of storing energy is that stored energy can be introduced/shared with new people/places around the world. Also, it can be used to relieve some of the demand on energy from large countries, such as China, and Africa.
The economic impact is that energy and resources can be delivered to remote countries, providing better living conditions. Additionally, there is impact. Because the costs for renewing energy is high, as is the material costs and the services companies provide for storage will impact the economy. By lengthening the average lifetime span, there is potential to introduce new resources and work opportunities in the remote countries. Finally, organizations who charge for the cloud services will benefit from the added costs.
The potential to disrupt: Energy has the potential to disrupt organization cost, as the material costs because the materials are higher cost. This also has the potential to disrupt the workforce in remote countries to bring them energy and electricity.
Overall benefits and drawbacks: Overall benefits of energy storage is that many countries and people living in those countries can have energy and electricity for the first time. The drawbacks are getting the costs down for the lithium batters and the cost for the storage.
3-D printing explained to a 10-year old child.
3-D printing, or 3 dimensional printing, is using advanced technology to print images with 3 sides. The images are printed with advanced printing machines that have the ability to reproduce images with precision and that are replica of life-size structures.
The impact of 3-D printing mostly lies in the medical and building/architecture fields. In the medical field, 3-D printing can help with the design and sizing of prosthetic limbs and organisms. The ability to produce images of organs can potentially expand the lifetime expectancy. Architects and other building designers can use 3-D printing to produce models of buildings/structures quickly. It can also be used to create molds and tools. According to McKinsey, 3-D printing could create an unprecedented need to customize their products. According to 3D Printing is Changing the World, it also makes it possible to go from prototype to mass production, greatly shrinking the time it takes to produce a product. It also alters the need for trade because the parts/products don’t need to be printed in factories, they can be printed wherever the printers are available, which are now more accessible.
The economic impact globally is that 3-D printing is the costs associated with the 3-D printing machines and materials is declining from higher prices when first introduced. However printing machines and the costs are expected to decrease, and could cost organizations to purchase expensive equipment. According to The Ultimate List of What We can 3D Print in Healthcare, 3-D can create many new jobs/opportunities. They can also be used in complex surgeries. Printing companies and factories that were previously used to build/print materials could be at risk for closing.
The overall benefits and drawbacks: The benefits are that products can be created faster, medical equipment/prosthetics can receive better care with prosthetics and surgery that is more precise. The drawbacks are the material costs and the costs of purchasing 3D machines on organizations. Additionally, a drawback is that some factories may close.
Hi all,
I decided that I would try to explain the following to a close friend.
Next-generation genomics explained to a close friend:
Impact - what is this technology and what does it do
Genomics has to do with a living things DNA. DNA is something all living things have which is carried down from generation to generation and is our build up. Think of DNA as what makes us ourselves. Genomics studies DNA and it is important because looking at DNA in detail has helped find different discoveries in different parts of DNA.
Economic impact - its approximate cost to purchase and impact on jobs
Genomics has become more cost effective due to the fact that so many people are doing it now. In addition, there is great investment in this research, it is projected that it will have a $1.6 trillion impact by 2025 which means it can help impact jobs.
Potential to disrupt, locally and globally - how is this technology disrupting your company, or the area you live and its global impact.
I current work with benefit consulting so anything having to do with medical insurance can cause disruption in my field. My field is very fluid and new things are always happening, COVID-19 is a great example of this. I’m not sure what the bigger picture will look like, but I know the questions are starting to come in from our clients.
Overall benefits and drawbacks
Overall, there are a lot of benefits that come with this because it will give people the ability to understand more things about themselves especially in the medical field. This will unfortunately cause a lot of disruption in the medical insurance field as prices are always going up and things are tricky in that area.
Energy storage explained to a close friend:
Energy storage is quite literally the storage of energy. This means to store energy and save is for doses at a time like a battery. This applies to the batteries you use in a remote control or a rechargeable battery like an electric razor.
Impact - what is this technology and what does it do
This technology has progressed greatly over the years. We have reached the point where items as big as car can be ran by this energy storage technology.
Economic impact - its approximate cost to purchase and impact on jobs
One of the biggest impacts of energy storage is these new cars that are ran by the energy storage technology. It is predicted that by 2025, 40% of car will be ran by energy storage technology. This can mean more jobs in that industry but also less jobs for traditional car manufactures. Another positive impact that it may have is less air pollution that is made by cars ran by gas.
Potential to disrupt, locally and globally - how is this technology disrupting your company, or the area you live and its global impact
Part of the potential disruption that comes with these new cars is the new type of pollution that comes with it. While we start helping the environment with less gas air pollution, we start harming with the energy needed.
Overall benefits and drawbacks
Overall benefits to this new technology would be less air pollution and more jobs in this industry while the drawback would be the decrease in traditional car manufacturing jobs and the new type of energy pollution created.
3-D printing explained to a close friend:
Impact - what is this technology and what does it do
3-D printing is the ability to literally print a 3-dementioanl item. This is impactful because it has the ability to create many resources that different fields may need.
Economic impact - its approximate cost to purchase and impact on jobs
It is predicted that by 2025 there will be $550 Billion spent on this 3-D technology. This is very impactful for companies in regard to possible manufacturing and supply chains. Like the other technologies this can also have an impact in jobs both in a positive and negative way.
Potential to disrupt, locally and globally - how is this technology disrupting your company, or the area you live and its global impact
With this technology advancing and becoming more accessible it will impact the companies currently using this technology and shipping it out. If more people have access to this technology, there will be less of a need to go through these companies.
Overall benefits and drawbacks
As of now I would say the biggest drawback is the limit capabilities we have and the price that comes with limited accessibility. I feel that 3-D printing is the future especially in the medical industry.
For 3-D printing: include ideas from any two of the three listed videos. Name the videos.
The video “The Ultimate List of What We Can 3D Print in Healthcare - The Medical Futurist” starts by printing a human ear and talking about the medical impact that is has using human tissue. This is a great video that show cases a lot of the positive impact of 3-D printing.

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Next-generation genomics explained to a supervisor at work.
Genomics, the study of human genes and DNA, has been revolutionized with the advancements of the next generation technologies. This technology through its ultra-high throughput, scalability and speed offers massive parallel sequencing technology that enables the determination of nucleotide-order or targeted deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) regions. The impact of next generation genomics has had positive impact on clinical practice, microbiology, oncology and pharmacy by providing knowledge on the build and cause of diseases as well as their reaction to treatment. Additionally, the technology has led to the development of hybrid and genetically advanced living things that are resistant to natural life factors especially disease.
The cost to purchase of next generation technology falls on the outcome of the research. Economically, research performance, developed healthcare services, and the multiple products resulting from the extensive genomics knowledge will generate economic activity that will accommodate large job volumes across the economy. The economics of the lifesaving and improving benefits of the technology are also high.
A majority of people are taking up health insurance seriously. The local effects of next generation genomics have made insuring of the genome sequencing expensive but the increased utility has brought on a different approach. The expansion of the human average lifespan will benefit the global economy by the lowered costs.
Assessing the comparative costs associated with the different genomics technology is a complex economic task apart from how expensive insuring the same is.
Energy storage explained to a close friend
The question of how the existing and ever-increasing demand of energy would be met at any weather or time brought on the necessity of energy storage. Energy storage is the process of saving surplus electricity for a later time. Currently, energy is being stored in lithium-ion batteries. Energy storage makes it possible for energy to be shared to high-demand regions whose demand outweighs the supply. There has been more technological-research to increase the capacity of batteries to store much more energy to b...
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