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The Collection of Data From Multiple Sources

Essay Instructions:

Review these two files from Module 3: a combined “What does Privacy Mean to Me” pdf and a “What does Identity Mean to Me” pdf.
Review what your classmates have presented on privacy and identity in these 2 documents to help with your analysis.
What students say about identity (链接到外部网站。)
What students say about privacy (链接到外部网站。)
Instructions (Review the rubric)
Choose ONE topic as presented below.
Present both sides of the argument.
Choose and defend one side.
Use 3 ethical theories to support your side.
Cite at least 5 classmates (may support or refute your position). Use quotations as appropriate. Some presentations do not have a name. For these simply state unknown. Example citation: “My identity does not change whether I am online or in person.” (Identity Presentation, Murphy) or New technologies have the ability to spy on us even in our home (History of Privacy, Vizio TV, 2016, Murphy)
Find and use at least 2 peer-reviewed (also referred to as “scholarly”) sources; these must be cited appropriately using standard MLA style.
Prepare a professional display/discussion/presentation of your topic. You may use any method to present your side such as creating a Mindmap, PowerPoint presentation, Video, write a paper, write a news article, write a play, etc.
Privacy vs. Security
Protecting the privacy of U.S. citizens outweighs the importance of the knowledge that could be gained by collecting and studying information collected about those citizens. Privacy is more important than security.
The knowledge gained from the study of collected information outweighs the importance of the privacy of U.S. citizens. Security is more important than privacy.
Data Collection
Data collection through multiple means (loyalty cards, google, video store, etc.) can result in imperfect perception of an individual’s identity.
Data collection through multiple means (loyalty cards, google, video store, etc.) will not result in imperfect perception of an individual’s identity because it is just a reflection of their buying habits and interests.
Protection of Privacy
Changing events, technology and laws overtime has changed people’s ability to protect their individual privacy.
Changing events, technology and laws overtime has NOT changed people’s ability to protect their individual privacy.
"Free Apps" Individuals who use free applications (email, google apps, Facebook, games, etc.) give up their right to privacy. They should assume that their information can be available to anyone.
Individuals still have some level of privacy. There are good ways to protect their privacy even while using free applications.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student Name
Position Paper: Data Collection
The data collected through multiple means can lead to an imperfect perception of a person’s identity. It is possible to obtain data regarding individuals through various ways like loyalty cards, google, video stores, etc. The data collected is useful to companies and governments. Private businesses like Facebook and Google use the data collected for personalized advertisements (Appel et al. 83). They analyze the data to establish what people are interested in online and hence target them with relevant adverts that match their interests. Governments, especially the police need such data to fight terrorism. However, such data should not be relied on as a determinant of an individual’s perfect identity. Instead, it should be used to build their online identity, which is different from their real identity.
The advancement in technology has facilitated the collection of private data. Police departments have taken advantage of the available tools to better collect, manage and analyze data (Storm 23). The data available can be used to determine individuals who are more likely to engage in criminal activities. Here, the police build profiles of individuals and use the data to monitor the activities of the particular suspects. While this is important for national security, it exposes individuals to data breaches (Cheng et al. 1). However, utilitarianism calls for maximizing the happiness and wellbeing of persons (Veenhoven). Hence, collecting data and building profiles enhances the security of people, despite exposing them to data breaches. People are not sure about the security of their data anymore. “As technology continues to evolve, I become more and more worried about protecting my privacy and/or personal information” (Privacy Presentation, Turner). Privacy is crucial given that individuals do not want their personal information to be shared with unauthorized individuals. “Privacy is very important to me because I don't want my information to be used by others for illegal acts” (Privacy Presentation, Wu).
It is critical to appreciate that online search and website traffic does not determine an individual’s identity (Pan et al. 73). However, it “memorizes your character as a person in a significant pattern” (Identity Presentation, James). Further, “It just shows what your interests are” (Identity Presentation, Gill). Hedonism holds that pleasure is the highest aim of human life (van der Deijl, Willem 1770). People want websites that satisfy their need for pleasure. When individuals visit websites, they may not necessarily find w...
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