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Would you accept $1,000,000 to leave the country and never set foot in it again? Why?

Essay Instructions:

Topic: Would you accept $1,000,000 to leave the country and never set foot again? Why?

This essay needs:

1. Introduction with a proper thesis

2. Three body paragraphs

3. Conclusion

Note: personally I won't take it, for 3 reasons:

1. My parents live here, and to me family is more important than any amount of money.

2. I am divorce and a mother of a child under 18 that depends on me, and his dad has visitations rights.

3. I am not a citizen, but besides the love I have for this country, there is no money that can pay for my loyalty for the United States of America.

I hope this can help you a little bit on my essay.

Thank you!!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
For ages, humans have tried to derive the true meaning of life and the associations that they make during their lifetime. With the many ideologies that are floated around, it is easy for people to lose site of the things that have deeper meaning. Capitalism has brought on a different face in the nature of human beings. Most people will values their material wealth over the human associations that they have with those they get to interact with. At the very end people then realize that it is not so much the money that makes life worth the struggle but the people that we interact with during these struggles. It is common to find rich people that have everything that they would have ever wished for but they are not happy, even though they have secured the future of more than one generation. This is because the material wealth and the money, do not take precedence in life over the interaction and the relationships that we form with other people near of far. The premise of this paper is to assess the viability of a million dollar cash prize to leave the United States of America and never set foot back again, against the solace of having family members and loved ones and voiding the cash prize.
Thesis statement: one million dollars or any other amount is not worth the relationships and the special moments spent with family members.
America is not just another place to me; it is my homeland where all my heritage and pride lies. I would never trade America for any other country for the sake of money. Having been born in America, I have developed deep connection to my motherland and I have a sense of pride about it. My parents are both from America and have shown me more support growing up than anyone I know alive. Given the bond that we have formed with my parents ever since I was a small child, I can never leave them behind for the love of money. I believe that at the end of the day what matters, is the relationships that we have with those that we love. As much as money plays a major role in our lives, it does not take the central point of all our subtle relationships that we have. It can never act as a replacement for my parents.
Over the course of my life, I have had a chance to meet with many people some of whom have had significant impact and others have had much less of an impact. However, none of the people that I have met in my life that can be replaced by money despite the fact they may or may not have had significant impact. One of the persons that I have met in the course growing up personally and professionally is divorced husband. Together with have had a child, who at this point is still under the age of 18 years. This means that the child relies on us as the parents. That aspect notwithstanding, we are the parents and have more responsibility than just taking the child to school and providing the bas...
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